Sudden Change Underground

When he thought about that, the senior colonel sighed in relief. Although special transportation assignments such as this had a certain risk, they were also highly rewarding. Hence, after taking into account many factors, he brought his cousin into this mission.

He scanned the screens carefully one more time. The data did not show anything unusual. There was nothing suspicious to be seen. The highway had already been closed for this convoy. No civilians were allowed to drive their cars here.

'Three more hours left. Let's get this over with!'

Just when the senior colonel was about to relax slightly, he suddenly felt a slight vibration.

"Hmm?" The senior colonel was stunned at first and then he quickly became alarmed.

The highway was extremely level. There was no reason for the vehicle to shake. The lieutenant colonel driver had also noticed this strange occurrence. Just when he started feeling suspicious, the world surrounding them shattered.