Almighty Space-time Shuttle, Darkness Phoenix

It was mind-blowing!

The surprise attack had been premeditated and well-planned. Their targets were the resources carried by the twenty soul cars. The price of more than three hundred fixed soul ammunitions was astronomical. The more horrendous fact was their destructive power.

'No, I can't let them take our cargo!'

The senior colonel clenched his teeth and got up from the ground. Even though he knew that he was no match for his enemy, he unleashed his martial soul anyway.

He was a senior colonel in his forties and also a two-word battle armor master. His dark red battle armor quickly covered his body. Flames were released from his body and a pair of wings extended behind him. His seventh soul ring unleashed its radiance without hesitation. He transformed into a flaming giant wolf as he charged toward the dazzling silver light.

An arm covered in black armor appeared out of thin air. The senior colonel saw the arm enlarge in a flash.