Like A Mountain, Yuanen!

The Shadow King Teng Teng moved in a flash. He had transformed into a shadow that swept across to the side. The Wind King Lin San followed closely behind the Tiger King Dai Yueyan, almost becoming his shadow. 

The seventh soul ring on Hua Lantang's body glowed brightly. He transformed into a gigantic war wolf over eight meters in length and was amplified under the illumination of the Pagoda King Ye Zhi's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. An armor covering his fur body was formed from a combination of the battle armor and dragon scales. He dashed toward the opposite side wildly, faster than even the Tiger King Dai Yueyan. A tiger and a dragon were at the front simultaneously. 

The six of them worked together seamlessly. They displayed their most powerful abilities almost as soon as they began to move.