Scattered Like Stars In The Sky

A refreshing breeze caressed everyone's face as thousands of wind blades bloomed behind Dai Yueyan to block the dragon scales fluttering in the air. Soon, it transformed into a massive tornado, and like the rivers flowing into the sea, it enveloped Yuanen Yehui.

A piercing noise was heard on her battle armor at once. Countless sparks were seen and a scraping sound echoed through the entire scene. 

The audience presumed that a piece of metal had been mutilated into flying shrapnel. Yet, there was only the halo shimmering underneath Yuanen Yehui's feet. Her body was blooming with a yellow radiance. She completely disregarded the attacks. Meanwhile, she stabilized her gait before she threw another punch. 

The entire space seemed frozen when the punch was thrown. The immense suction force was much stronger than before. It appeared like she was punching at a blank spot, but both Hua Lantang and Dai Yueyan stumbled from the effects of the violent suction force.