Almighty Space-time Shuttle

The Weeping Blood Douluo Chu Tiange in front of him was stunned by the sight. What was that? It was definitely not a soul skill. This battle was carried out in front of the entire Star Luo people. As the Tang Sect's Sect Master, Tang Wulin would not possibly break the rules.

If it was not a martial soul or soul skill, then it must be a weapon. A spindle-shaped weapon? It did not look like a hidden weapon, nor did it resemble a weapon that could be used in direct combat.

Just when this Weeping Blood Douluo was perplexed, two beams of light suddenly flew out of that spindle-shaped object. They fell onto Tang Wulin's hands.

When these two beams of light appeared, they did not seem significant at first. However, their size quickly enlarged as they flew towards Tang Wulin's hands.

In the blink of an eye, a pair of giant hammers appeared in Tang Wulin's hands.

These were definitely giant hammers. Also, they were also looking familiar.