Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer, War Hammer!

Although the sword was not his martial soul, he still named it the Weeping Blood Sword. It was forged with soul-forged material by a Saint Craftsman whom he found. Moreover, the soul-forged metal was made from spirit alloys. The sword was always by the Weeping Blood Douluo's side. Even though it was not his martial soul, the sword had formed an alliance with him. 

At present, he was truly afraid that his precious sword would lose to Tang Wulin's mighty hammer in the collision. 

He was helpless as he did not manage to dodge even with the maneuver he made earlier. The reason was simple. The Diamond Bangle was too heavy. Although the war hammer was shrunken and withheld in the Diamond Bangle, it remained heavy. It still bore more than thirty percent of its initial weight.