Atlas Reappears

The sword held by the Weeping Blood Douluo moved in circles as his body was suspended in midair. He had just harmonized his breathing and in the midst of recuperating himself from the effect of the war hammer's powerful blast earlier. Yet, he felt as if the world he was in now seemed to have changed suddenly. 

The sky had collapsed! 

Of course, the sky did not truly collapse. Somehow, it felt like the sky had caved in. In the next moment, his body came plummeting down from the sky. He was free falling. In no time, he would slam hard onto the ground.

A stream of dazzling golden light surged skyward to brace the Weeping Blood Douluo's falling body. The dazzling golden radiance struck his body precisely. In the next moment, Tang Wulin had already arrived before the Weeping Douluo. At the same time, the pure white spear in Tang Wulin's hand contacted the sword held across the Weeping Douluo's chest. 
