The Death Knights

The Underworld King Ha Luosa remained smiling. "Do you think that you can stop me from killing you just by relying on your feeble strength? Little boy, there are at least eight thousand if not ten thousand arrogant so-called geniuses that died in my hands like you. Your ancestors had yet to be born when I started killing people."

Tang Wulin raised his eyebrows upon hearing Ha Luosa insult his ancestors. Meanwhile, something peculiar was happening. 

A golden trident rune suddenly emerged right at the center of Tang Wulin's forehead. Soon after, Tang Wulin's eyes turned into a strange blue-gold color. 

The Underworld King Douluo Ha Luosa gave out a muffled grunt. His body suddenly fell back by a few steps and he even seemed to be in a daze. In a split-second, over one-third of the underworld creatures disintegrated from the Underworld Death Domain surrounding them.