The Battle Of Limits

Ha Luosa had just raised the sword in his hand and his expression suddenly changed ever so slightly. His body swayed once as he moved horizontally over a hundred meters as if he was teleporting himself and dashed out of the area covered by the two streams of golden light. 

When two Limit Douluos clashed, the energy fields of their domains guided one another. It appeared to be lacking the speed and sense of potency seen during Tang Wulin's Battle of Five Gods, but a slight move in one part may result in a domino effect. Once one of them was in a vulnerable position, he could possibly be dominated by the opponent to death. This was also the reason why the Underworld King Douluo had been suppressing En Ci ever since his arrival. 

A stream of golden light shot out from the middle of the other two, spreading its radiance. The range of the light was also its firing range.