Overall Defence

Meanwhile, in the federal military command post...

"The construction of the foundation has been completed. The soul masters from the Blood God Army, the Spirit Pagoda, the Tang Sect, and the War God Hall are building the brand-new Blood Gods Great Array to seal the exit."

Upon hearing the report, the Central Army Corps' regimental commander, the Divine Brush Douluo Yu Guanzhi, nodded in satisfaction. Everything was developing in the right direction. They had been under immense pressure in the beginning, but they had defeated the formidable enemy completely. They could finally be at ease. 

Chen Xinjie asked, "When the Blood Gods Great Array is finished, will it be able to stop the abyssal passage from linking to us once again?"

The question was meant for the Heartless Douluo Cao Dezhi who was also present. He was the main member of the Blood Gods Army in charge of the Blood Gods Great Array. He had the most knowledge of the array's effects.