Wulin And Xiao Wu

She was so powerful!

Gu Yuena lowered her gaze. "I'm only telling you what I feel. It's up to you to believe it." Upon saying that, she stood up, turned around and left. 

Compared to Qiangu Dongfeng from before, her style was completely different. 

Yu Guanzhi looked at Chen Xinjie with an inquisitive gaze. 

Chen Xinjie said in a deep voice, "It's better to believe it than not. Best to make sufficient preparations for the battle. Of course, we hope that our foes do not make an appearance, but in case they do, we can't be thrown into a panic."

"Hmm." Yu Guanzhi nodded. "Alright, then we shall make the necessary preparations for battle then."

"Beep, beep, beep!" A piercing warning siren echoed through the entire command post. The numerous officers that were already alarmed could not help having a drastic change of expressions simultaneously. 

'Has the enemy truly arrived?'