You’re Asking Me Why?

He never expected that his closed door cultivation would result in him being far away from Elder Long. Tang Wulin's eyes immediately reddened. 

A buzz was heard coming from the Golden Dragon Spear in his hand. His blood essence fluctuation condensed into a solid entity which spurted from the spear akin to an incoming tide. His Divine Origin spiritual power also burst forth impacting everyone in the surroundings. The air turned blazing hot at the moment. 

Let alone his opponent, even the powerhouses from his side were shocked by Tang Wulin's transformation. 

'Divine Origin!' Gu Yuena gasped in surprise. 

He had been so quick at achieving it. It was exceedingly difficult even for her to break through to the Divine Origin rank spiritual cultivation base. She had achieved this rank much earlier, yet it took her a long time just to recover her rank. After all, the rank was under the constant suppression of the entire plane.