The Love Of Heavenly Phoenix

As she spoke, the Darkness Phoenix Leng Yucaipa raised her arms. Two purple-black swords of light formed in her hands and then thrust them straight at Leng Yaozhu. 

Leng Yaozhu was furious and sad. She raised her arms similarly and formed two flaming swords to block her sister's attack. 

The four swords collided with one another. At that moment, Leng Yaozhu's eyes filled with tears. They poured down her face and blurred her vision. Her heart ached so much that she was almost suffocating when she saw her sister standing so close to her. 

Yes, she confessed her love to the Atlas Douluo Yun Ming in the past. 

"Yun Ming." Leng Yaozhu looked at the man before her in a slight daze.

Ever since the first time she saw him, she was attracted to his indomitable, heroic quality. All this time, the Leng Clan was one of the largest of the famed soul master clans. It was also one of the most important in the Spirit Pagoda.