Double Phoenix Battle

She took a deep breath and muttered to herself, "I know and I can see that you're in love with Yali. She is genuinely the kindest woman in this world and she is worthy of your love. Hence, I'm confessing to you today not because I'm hoping to get anything else out of this. I just can't hold back anymore. I want to seize the opportunity before I turn thirty years old and while I can still muster the courage to confess the deepest thoughts in my mind. I beg you not to speak. There's no need to reject me because I know and I understand. I really don't want to hear that from you and I don't need you to confirm it. Please leave me with a good memory."

Yun Ming was about to speak, but her words kept him silent. Leng Yaozhu was a wise maiden and this was why she said what she had. 

Yun Ming heaved a sigh softly and shook his head, "Why do you have to do this to yourself?"