Two Rings

The sense of danger drove her to panic. 

How could this happen?

Yuanen Yehui forcibly halted her turning action at once. Her gaze was focused as she unleashed the Purple Demon Eyes. At the same time, she flipped her hands to shield her body. 

Precisely at this exact moment, she felt a tiny crystal-like object appear in her perception. 

It was extremely peculiar. It felt as if the object did not exist in time and space, yet a fragment of it seemed to belong to space-time. 

What was that…

She unleashed a Titan Divine Punch subconsciously in an attempt to block it. However, the tiny crystal-like object passed through the Titan Divine Punch just by flickering once. 

The object had seemingly returned to the spot in an instant where the previous attack was delivered. By the time Yuanen Yehui reacted to the situation, the crystal was already before her.