Don’t Cry, Yuanen

"Don't cry, Yuanen, don't cry. I'll give it a try, huh." His voice was heard once again. Moreover, it sounded much clearer than before seemingly. 

Then, his body began to consolidate gradually under Yuanen Yehui's dumbstruck stare. Xie Xie began to appear more solid. 

Yuanen Yehui covered her mouth and looked at him without blinking. She was afraid that his body would disintegrate once again if she were to make the slightest sound. 

At last, Xie Xie's body became solid once again. "Thump." He stumbled onto the ground as if he had just appeared from another world. He rolled once on the ground before he sat up. 

His face was ghastly pale and he appeared weak. However, the dagger on his chest was gone. Furthermore, he was now in full, solid form. 

"Ouch! That hurts. Finally, I managed to seize back my body. Yuanen, it was your cry that made me come alive. Thank you for saving me."