Mysterious Heaven Loop

Sometimes, some people are dealt a rotten hand by fate. The Sea God Douluo Chen Xinjie surpassed the Skycrosser Douluo in every way, be it his natural endowment or cultivation period. With luck on his side, the Skycrosser Douluo made significant progress. He made the breakthrough to God rank in a single attempt. In a way, he had achieved the True God realm similar to the Holy Spirit Cult's founder, the Demon Empress. He was only lacking in his spiritual power and had not acquired divine consciousness. 

In that case, a God-ranked Skycrosser Douluo would certainly cause more stress to Tang Wulin than the other Limit Douluos. 

The numerous Limit Douluos on the scene had lost count of the number of battles they were involved in previously. Every single one of them wished to attack Tang Wulin when they saw him in the midst of their encirclement.