Ten Thousand Beasts Surge, Heaven-Earth Painting Scroll

He was one step closer to becoming a real God. 

Tang Wulin was definitely terrifying in his current state. 

At last, he raised his head slowly and looked toward Gu Yuena with a burning gaze. He appeared to be largely unchanged on the surface, yet the aura that surrounded his body was undergoing unseen transformations. 

He had metamorphosed!

There was a glint in Gu Yuena's eye. She could see that Tang Wulin had metamorphosed! She found that she could not tell the extent of Tang Wulin's elevation, but she could confirm that he was different. 

Tang Wulin went from being beaten up passively to launching attacks of his own. He took a step forward and arrived before the Skycrosser Douluo Guan Yue in an instant. He swung the Sea God's Trident once again and thrust it forward in the simplest manner without any fancy tricks. 

The Skycrosser Douluo held the Skycrosser Divine Spear with his hands and made a lifting motion with the spear.