Victory, Again

The Ten Thousand Beast Surge had just come within thirty kilometers of him when they were immediately disintegrated by his terrifying blood essence fluctuation and vanished in succession. 

Although these soul beasts were projected by the Divine Brush Douluo Yu Guanzhi, they still originated from their soul beast form. In order to ensure that these soul beasts possessed sufficiently effective abilities, Yu Guanzhi had to understand the qualities of soul beasts first during the process of sketching them. Hence, the supreme commander of the three armies was also a genuine soul beast specialist. His knowledge of soul beasts had even surpassed the teachers in Shrek Academy. 

It was also precisely due to this reason that the soul beasts simulated by him were equipped with certain soul beasts' characteristics. Under the lashing of the blood essence, the soul beasts disintegrated at once and vanished into the air.