Battle Of The Gods

The content of the third term was 'all mankind's technology must be destroyed completely, especially all the information related to soul weapons. Disassemble all the soul equipment and return mankind's world to its original state. At the same time, all items related to soul technology must be destroyed so that mankind's society will regress'.

It could be said that this was the most important and crucial of the five terms Gu Yuena had proposed. This was the term that would affect humanity the most.

The act of destroying all soul technology was the most ruthless method of regressing human civilization. Removing this term would probably mean that soul beasts would not be able to dominate humans as they had before. 

Hence, Tang Wulin's eyes were ablaze as he looked toward Gu Yuena and waited for her response to his words.

Gu Yuena flew out from her side, and the atmosphere of the entire battlefield became tense.