Moving Cautiously

After the human experts and the magical beasts experts entered the Necropolis of the Gods, the High Priest finally spoke.

“Lord Beirut?” The High Priest looked at Beirut. “If that Bebe encounters the divine beast, ‘Ba-Serpent’, what then?”

Perhaps Beirut didn’t give a damn about the lives of the others, but he definitely cared about Bebe. And, in the Necropolis of the Gods, even Beirut wouldn’t be able to save them. The High Priest was confused…why did Beirut dare to do such a thing!

Beirut laughed. “It’s fine. Bebe won’t encounter the Ba-Serpent. Because…he took the right tunnel.”

“Lord Beirut, what are you saying?” Cesar’s face changed.

Beirut laughed calmly and nodded. “Just now, when I opened the tunnels, I did a quick investigation. The Ba-Serpent is in the area of the left tunnel, and it is beneath the fifth floor…thus, I had the magical beast Saints enter the right tunnel.”

The High Priest, War God, Dylin, and Cesar all sighed secretly.