Covetous Intent

“Rumble…” The waves of the sea continued to roll forward gently.

Linley raised his head, sweeping it past Augusta and Diya. The Chief Sovereign of Light, Augusta, and the Chief Sovereign of Wind, Diya, both looked back at Linley with gazes that held malice in them. In his heart, Linley just snickered. “Hmph. Augusta probably still has a desire to kill me. After that last battle, Diya probably feels enmity for me as well. Diya I can ignore, but as for Augusta…I’ll let him live happily for a bit longer. After the other Chief Sovereigns leave, I will kill Augusta!”

The other Chief Sovereigns wouldn’t just watch Linley kill Augusta and do nothing about it.

He had already waited for thousands of years. What was another moment?

“Linley. Beirut.” At this moment, the Redbud Sovereign and the Bloodridge Sovereign both flew over, laughing while waving to him.