Unforeseen Development Part 2

This African minister was clearly setting Chen Xiaolian up.

Chen Xiaolian had spent so much money on him. Logically speaking, he should have arranged a one-to-one meeting for him.

However, this despicable fellow was trying to trick him.

Only the donor who donated the most will get a chance for a meeting?

Then, did the US dollars that I gave you earlier go down the drain?

However, Chen Xiaolian could only sigh. For this Africa minister to bring him into this banquet, he must have exerted quite some effort – however, he was just too black hearted.

This type of ‘help’ was clearly not worth the amount of money that Chen Xiaolian had spent earlier.

Whatever… I’ll just give him a lesson before I leave.

Chen Xiaolian put on a smiling façade and said, “Naturally, there is no problem. I am very willing to provide help to the Kombian government.”

The African minister patted Chen Xiaolian’s shoulder and smiled awkwardly – he could probably sense that what he was doing was not quite right. After thinking about it, he added something out of what appeared to be goodwill, “His Excellency, the President is actually not too pleased with being called Mr President. He was born a military man. So, when you are addressing him, call him ‘General’. He might feel happier if you do.”

Oh well… although it was just a cheap information, at least it is better than nothing.

Chen Xiaolian smiled to show that he understood.

The African minister laughed a bit before waving a gesture at Chen Xiaolian.

Clearly, he was asking for compensation.

Chen Xiaolian had mentioned last night that after this was done, he would ‘thank’ the minister.

Chen Xiaolian took a deep breath and said slowly, “Don’t worry. Tonight, when this is over, I will leave some money in the hotel under your name… then, you will be able to withdraw the money at any given time.”

The African minister was overjoyed. He vigorously patted Chen Xiaolian’s shoulder to show his affection. Then, after looking around at the banquet hall, he said, “Go on, drink a bit. The wine from the presidential palace is quite good.”

Enduring the impulse to trample down on the fat, pig like face, Chen Xiaolian followed him through the hall for a few minutes.

During that time, the African minister greeted several of the guests. He would put on an affectionate and mysterious air as he introduced Chen Xiaolian to the guests. His words were, “This is a business man who came from abroad. He is here to make a huge investment in Kombia.”

Next, he pretended to be very close with Chen Xiaolian.

Chen Xiaolian understood that this African minister was using him to set himself up. Naturally, Chen Xiaolian would not pull the chair from under him. He put on a façade of loftiness and mystery and greeted the local plutocrats. At the same time, he also checked the time on his watch a few times.

The African minister had said that Zayad’s speech would start in 15 minutes. However, it was clear that this President Zayad had a bad habit of being tardy.

Additionally… not only was he tardy, he also stood them up!

When it was close to 8 o’clock, the banquet finally began.

To Chen Xiaolian’s disappointment, the one who appeared was not Zayad.

Rather, it was a tall and fit but unfamiliar African. Appearance wise, he was not too old. He wore military uniform and had a very savage expression in his eyes.

This African military officer walked up the stage with a cold expression on his face. When the banquet hall had quieted down, he coldly said, “The time for the commendation ceremony is over and will be conducted in the military camp. It will no longer be held here tonight. Following the President’s orders, we will be proceeding to the second event.”

Err… this meant that he wanted them to cough out the money right away.

The guests began whispering. However, this African military officer exuded quite an atmosphere. Just by grunting out coldly, he managed to silence the whispers.

“The President has some other issues to deal with. Tonight’s fund-raising will be overseen by me. Our great military is out in the frontlines waging a war against those filthy and despicable enemies for the sake of Kombia’s stability. All of Kombia’s people have a responsibility to contribute to this country. So then… ladies and gentlemen, now is the time for you to show your loyalty to the country and the President!”

After saying that, the African military officer tilted his head and several soldiers moved three large boxes over and placed them on the stage.

Chen Xiaolian’s expression was somewhat ugly to behold. He turned around to look at the African minister.

The African minister appeared both troubled and surprised. He stood there silently for a moment before hastily explaining himself, “This… this should be an unforeseen development… I don’t know about it. Generally, this fundraiser would be personally managed by the President. Tonight, tonight…”

He pointed at the African military officer who was standing on the stage and said, “He is the President’s son, Zayad Jr. He is the commander of the Kombian National Army. Actually… since you want to do business in Kombia, meeting him would be no different. Zayad Jr is very much trusted by the President. I think this is not a bad opportunity…”

At the end of the day, the African minister understood that he had messed up. He felt furious and was unable to find the words to express himself. In the end, he simply threw some unreliable words out, “The opportunity is still a good one! You just have to grasp it yourself! I can only help you this much. Remember, I will be sending someone to the hotel tomorrow for my share.”

After saying that, the African minister turned around and walked into the crowd, putting on a pretence of greeting the other guests.

Chen Xiaolian sighed.

He looked at Zayad Jr who was standing on the stage. Then, he secretly made his way to the back area of the hall through the crowd. Soon, he reached the door of the hall.

However, Chen Xiaolian was quick to discover that there were soldiers standing guard by both the main and side doors of the hall!

The African soldiers were armed with guns and one of the military officers there coldly stared at Chen Xiaolian before asking, “Where are you going?”

“Going out for fresh air,” said Chen Xiaolian who pretended to be speak with a casual atmosphere.

“The fundraising is not complete. We have orders, until the fundraising is complete, no one is allowed to leave.”

Hearing the cold reply, Chen Xiaolian could not help but sneer inwardly.

The shamelessness shown by this Zayad father and son had reached quite a high level.

Can this be called fundraising?

Herding a group of people into a hall, arrange for heavily armed soldiers to block the doors – until the fundraising was over, no one was allowed to leave. If this wasn’t kidnapping and blackmail, what was?

Suddenly, a trace of suspicion welled up within Chen Xiaolian.

Zayad had pulled such a crazy stunt tonight… could his rule last long?

Logically speaking, if he had been doing something like this for the past decade that he was in power, surely his rule would have been toppled.

Yet, he had done something so extreme tonight…

Something was not right!

Chen Xiaolian suddenly turned his head and looked at the African military commanding officer.

It was clear to him that Zayad Jr. was feeling anxious. Although he spoke coldly, Chen Xiaolian could detect the panic and impatience in his voice.

One of his hands would subconsciously move to feel the handgun on his waist.

“Mr XXX, are you only donating this little? Could it be this is the extent of your love and loyalty for your country and its government? Mr SSS, the President would constantly work himself to the bone for the country so that everyone could live a good life. Did you only bring so little with you tonight? I know that you’ve recently just bought an imported car! And you, Mr M! You…”

This fellow started calling out names! This was pure robbery!

Not right! This is not right!

The suspicion in Chen Xiaolian’s mind only grew.

Zayad failed to show up tonight while his son came to frantically seize money!

The targets of this robbery were crystal clear. They were the guests in this banquet hall tonight, the privileged class of Kombia!

A president robbing the privileged class of his own country… even the most brain dead of rulers would not do something like this. This was the equivalent of courting death! Once this was over, the wrath of the privileged class will descend upon the ruler and he can forget about continuing…

Unless… unless he no longer wanted to be the President?

Just as the thought was formed in Chen Xiaolian’s mind, suddenly…


Somewhere far from the hall, a thunder like sound suddenly rang out. The instant the sound fell upon Chen Xiaolian’s ears, his countenance changed.

It was not thunder.

Rather… it was the sound of an explosion! Or more accurately, it was the sound of artillery being fired!


Yet another explosion! Next, faint sounds of gunfire erupted. In the beginning, they were sporadic. Soon however, the sounds grew more intense!

Although there was still some distance to the source of the sounds, everyone in the hall had heard it!

An uproar broke out!

“Quiet! Quiet!”

Zayad Jr. suddenly roared out. He waved his hand and soldiers moved forward to shut the door of the banquet hall! The sounds of gunfire were effectively blocked off!

The crowd beneath started clamouring. Some whispered while others began asking loudly…

It was then that one of the guests suddenly shouted loudly.

In his hand was… a mobile phone!

He had probably gotten hold of some information from the mobile phone and he trembled as he gripped the phone tightly. Then, he shouted in a hoarse voice, “Rebels, the rebels have entered the city!”

Woah… the entire banquet hall erupted into a state of chaos and could no longer be controlled!

Zayad Jr. roared out sharply a few times. However, he saw that the guests were running toward the surrounding doors…

He then pulled out his gun and shot at the ceiling. However, the sound of the gunshot did not deter these people. Instead, it simply made things more chaotic!

The guests swarmed forward and charged toward the main door. The soldiers posted outside attempted to stop them and they were soon locked in a struggle.


Bang! Bang!

Some of the soldiers began to open fire!

Seeing some of the guests falling down into pools of blood, the crowd screamed sharply.

“Hurry! Lock the box and bring it away!” Zayad Jr. who was on the stage ordered his guard soldiers to secure the three boxes before him.

There was no small number of ‘donations’ inside the boxes. All of them were thanks to Zayad Jr. who made it so the guests had no choice but to ‘donate’.

The boxes contained some US dollars, gold bars and gems.

Chen Xiaolian hid in the corner of the hall. He observed as Zayad Jr., under the protection of his guard soldiers, retreated from the hall through the east door. Chen Xiaolian quickly gave chase!