Finish You Here!

Chen Xiaolian left the hospital gate, carrying a heavy heart, and got into a car parked on the street outside.

Thanks to the system's influence, the inside and outside of the hospital were like two different worlds. Sitting in the car, he glanced at the hospital gate and watched the doctors, nurses, and patients coming and going. Chen Xiaolian raised an eyebrow.

Then, he checked the time on the system.

Thirteen minutes until the Fallen Avengers arrive.

Chen Xiaolian started the car and headed towards the city center.


Allete Street was located on the east side of Jerusalem. It used to be very close to the Palestinian residential area, and it was originally an old part of the city. The streets were narrow, public facilities were outdated, and some were even in ruins. Hygiene conditions were also subpar, and the people were a diverse mix.

At the end of this U-shaped street stood a seemingly dilapidated warehouse, surrounded by crumbling walls, but the gate was unlocked.

Inside the warehouse, the entire Thornflower Group had already gathered.

A tall and sturdy man, about two meters in height, was organizing the team members.

"Hurry up, we're leaving immediately, heading to Tel Aviv! Take all the target individuals with us... Spread out, one person per car!"

A team member approached, pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and looked at the huge man with a hint of concern. He whispered, "I mean... not killing them and giving up valuable intel, this decision..."

The giant suddenly turned around, his gaze icy, and he stared at the guy for what seemed like several seconds before speaking in a cold, chilling voice, "I'll pretend I didn't hear that statement of yours. And... you better not say such things again in the future, understand? In Thornflower Group, the Guild Leader's orders come above all else!"

"...Even above the system's prompts?"


The giant suddenly threw a punch, knocking the guy to the ground, blood spewing from his mouth. He took a step and pressed his foot onto the guy's chest, leaning down with a fierce and predatory look in his eyes. "Yes, above all else, including the system!"

The guy on the ground gasped for air, struggling to get up, and the giant finally released his foot.

Seeing the guy struggle to his feet, the giant sneered, "You have a problem with that? You better understand your place! Don't think that having experienced a few instances makes you extraordinary. You're just an auxiliary member of Thornflower Group, not qualified to discuss the team's decisions. Either obey and execute or, if you don't obey, you can go die."

The guy immediately lowered his head and swallowed his words.

The giant grumbled to himself for a moment, then turned and walked to the side to continue directing the others. He muttered under his breath, "I hate these self-righteous newcomers who think they're veterans after experiencing a few instances."

After a pause, he raised his head and shouted loudly, "Move faster! Come on! Don't dawdle!!"


Chen Xiaolian drove to the area of the new city. After quickly glancing at the map a few times, he found his target.

It was a newly built square with an elegant environment. In the center, there was a large circular pond, not too deep, surrounded by some stone statues.

The pond was circular, with stone slabs laid across it on all four sides, forming a pathway over the water.

After parking his car outside the square, Chen Xiaolian jumped out and walked straight towards it.

Examining the surroundings, he nodded in satisfaction and proceeded to the intersection of stone slabs on the pond, stopping in the middle.

At the intersection of the stone slabs, it seemed as if the ground was paved right on the surface of the water, about five to six meters wide. There were also stone platforms nearby for people to sit and rest.

Chen Xiaolian sat down on one of the stone platforms.

The park square was completely empty, with not a soul in sight. So, without any concerns, Chen Xiaolian took out a cigarette pack, lit one, and quietly took a couple of puffs.

As he watched the swirling smoke, Chen Xiaolian fell into deep thought.

After a minute, he raised his head and chuckled bitterly, "Guild Leader? Interesting..."

He suddenly stood up and got busy.

Chen Xiaolian took out a small jar from his storage wristwatch, carefully opened it, and cautiously poured its contents into the pond.

Emptying one jar, he quickly opened another.

The pungent odor only made him wrinkle his nose.

After emptying five or six jars, peculiar substances were now floating on the water's surface in various areas of the pond.

Chen Xiaolian glanced at the distribution of these liquids and seemed satisfied.

Then, he took out a silver flask.

This time, Chen Xiaolian was extremely cautious. He stood at the edge of the stone slabs, opened the flask, and slowly poured a thin stream of faint silver liquid into the pond, moving his steps forward.

He walked in a circle on the stone slabs, pouring as he went, and even poured some of the silver liquid onto the stone pathway.

He was meticulous and careful, ensuring an even distribution.

After completing these tasks, he put away the silver flask.

He pulled out a uniquely designed pistol and a few empty magazines. In front of him, he took out a small wooden box from his storage wristwatch. Upon opening it, the box was filled with spiritual energy bullets!

Chen Xiaolian quickly loaded the bullets one by one into the magazines.

He completed this process in less than five minutes, filling five or six magazines, inserting one into the gun, and keeping the rest on his waist.

He glanced at the time...

There were 48 seconds left until the Fallen Avengers arrived.

A cold smile played on Chen Xiaolian's lips. He then took out the Stone Sword and a small mineral water bottle.

After unscrewing the cap, the bottle was filled with the silver liquid. Chen Xiaolian carefully spread the liquid evenly on the blade of the Stone Sword, being extremely cautious and meticulous in his actions.

He didn't waste a single drop.

After emptying the entire bottle, Chen Xiaolian casually discarded it. He gently waved the Stone Sword a few times in his hand.

In the moonlight, the Stone Sword seemed to emit a silver glow.

As a gust of wind blew by, it seemed as if a dark cloud drifted across the sky, obscuring the moonlight and making the night even darker.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6..." Chen Xiaolian took a deep breath.

Finally, not far from him, a black flame suddenly appeared in the air! The flames roared, and then a rift appeared in the air. A hand with an iron grip extended from it, and the rusty hand seemed to be grabbing something with great effort. A sharp and eerie scream echoed, sending chills down one's spine!

Chen Xiaolian's spirit was heightened.

"Lancelot, long time no see! You...fool!"


Inside the Gothic-style ancient building in the city, in a large oval-shaped conference hall, several people were seated around an elliptical table.

Meine still sat at the front, with Gatuso beside her on the left.

What was particularly peculiar was that at this moment, all these people were dressed in unusual attire.

Each of them wore something resembling medieval knight armor. In front of Meine, there was even a longsword placed!

Beside Gatuso's chair, a warhammer leaned against the floor, and he was looking at the table with a gloomy expression.

In the center of the table was a crystal ball.

At that very moment, suddenly, a crystal-clear crystal ball was enveloped in blackness. It was as if ink had been poured into clear water, and quickly, the thick blackness spread over most of the crystal ball's surface.

Meine's face turned pale, and there was a slight twitch at the corner of her eye.

Gatuso had already stood up, his expression becoming extremely grim. "Who could be so audacious! They dared to use such dark power in the Holy City?!"

Meine wore a stern expression as she glanced at her companions sitting at the table. She took a deep breath and stood up.

"I sense it, an evil force has appeared in the city, a powerful demon, daring to show up in our holy city. This is blasphemy against God, against the light!"

Pausing for a moment, Meine seemed to utter a sentence from the depths of her throat. "Evil must be eradicated—eradicated by us! Only through our purification will it find its destiny."

"Eradicated by us!" The individuals at the table, including Gatuso, all stood up simultaneously, their voices carrying an air of majesty, devotion, and anger as they chanted together.

"Let's go!" Meine grabbed the cross-shaped longsword in front of her!

The group quickly rushed out of the hall.

Meanwhile, just outside the Gothic building's hall, on the square beneath the steps, several beams of light suddenly descended from the sky!

After resounding roars, the beams of light transformed into several figures!

Snow-white fur, majestic stature, and a faint aura of pure, holy light enveloping their bodies!

Several creatures that resembled white stallions appeared beside the square! Silver saddles on their backs were shimmering with divine light!

However, these were no ordinary warhorses... Each of these creatures had a sharp, spiral-shaped horn on their foreheads!


"Brave warriors of God, mount your steeds and go eradicate evil! Use the holy light to purify the demons!"

With a resounding cry, Meine and her companions mounted the unicorns. Leading the charge, Meine shouted loudly, and the unicorns immediately galloped forward!

The speed at which the unicorns ran was astonishing. With each step, their hooves seemed to carry a unique rhythm, and their movements were as graceful as the wind!



The Fallen Avenger stood before Chen Xiaolian. The black flames and spatial rifts behind it had completely disappeared. It held a massive black sword in its hand, dragging the blade along the ground.

The creature's helmet concealed its face, and its two eyes glowed like ghostly flames. It stared fixedly at Chen Xiaolian, then suddenly shuddered and let out a sharp, eerie scream, like a wailing ghost!

Chen Xiaolian felt the sound wave hitting him, and this piercing noise clearly carried some form of negative spiritual attack. However, the Stone Sword activated its abilities, filling his body with a warm and holy power. Chen Xiaolian grinned at the Fallen Avenger, "It seems you still remember me, Lancelot!"

The Fallen Avenger raised its sword and walked purposefully toward Chen Xiaolian.


The moment its foot touched the ground, it stepped on a puddle of silver liquid! Instantly, black smoke billowed up!

The Fallen Avenger's body swayed, and it immediately let out a painful roar!

"Does it hurt? Even as a spirit without physical sensation, you must be in great pain, right? Do you like the taste of holy water?" Chen Xiaolian stared coldly at the Fallen Avenger, then took out a lighter, ignited it, and tossed it into the pond beside him!


The floating oil on the water's surface ignited instantly. With a rush of flames, it spread rapidly!

All the oil on the pond was set ablaze!

In the roaring blaze, the stone pathway appeared as an island within the pond!

"Today, I will settle things with you here! Right here! No one can escape, Lancelot."