Not a Good Feeling

Will's scream alerted Qiao Qiao, and without waiting for anyone else to react, Qiao Qiao immediately stepped forward and whispered, "Everyone, stop!"

Although they didn't understand Qiao Qiao's intentions, Lun Tai immediately cautioned, "Xiaolei, be on guard!"

Xiaolei quickly crouched down, holding his gun, and seemed to adopt a somewhat imposing posture. Soon after, Roddy, carrying ******, stood at the forefront.

"Will can see something special," Qiao Qiao took a deep breath.

Lun Tai's expression changed, and he frowned while staring at Qiao Qiao. "Something special? Are you saying..."

Qiao Qiao nodded.

Lun Tai took a deep breath.

Seeing ghosts might sound bizarre, but in this parallel world, the most outlandish things were possible. Therefore, as awakened individuals, they wouldn't ridicule such claims. Lun Tai and the others instantly became serious.

Qiao Qiao stood beside Will, one hand on his shoulder, while his eyes remained fixed on the security door. "Will, tell me, what did you see?"

"A... a person..." Will's voice trembled.

"What person? Where? Tell me the details," Qiao Qiao crouched down next to Will, looking into his eyes, and spoke firmly, "With us here, you don't need to worry."

Will took a deep breath, and under Qiao Qiao's reassuring gaze, the young boy gained a bit of confidence. It was evident that he was still frightened, but because of the presence of Qiao Qiao and the others, he found some courage and support. With trembling hands, he pointed at the security door and said, "Right there, um, where it was just now, but now it's gone, walked away."

Qiao Qiao, Lun Tai, and Roddy exchanged glances, and Roddy also glanced at Will. "Walked away? When did it leave?"

"Just as I was pointing and screaming at it, it looked at me and walked away."

"Tell me what he looked like."

"A man... wearing white clothes, like a doctor in a hospital. He... he had blood on him."

The faces of the team members didn't look good.

Roddy chuckled wryly, "A man, a doctor, with blood on him... Why do I feel like we've encountered Jack the Ripper again?"

"Don't joke around; this isn't London," Qiao Qiao shook his head.

"Where did he go?" Lun Tai continued to inquire.

"He went through the door; he just looked at me and walked away."

Several team members exchanged glances.

"I didn't see it," this was Xia Xiaolei.

"I... I didn't see it either," this was Qimu Xi.

"So, it means only Will saw it," Lun Tai pondered for a moment, "Is it another plot from one of the parallel worlds, or is it some kind of monster?"

He looked at Qiao Qiao and asked, "Behind that door, did you and Xiaolei explore it when you went in earlier?"

"Yeah, we went in," Qiao Qiao replied.

"What's inside?"

"It's the fire escape corridor," Qiao Qiao shook his head. "Because the power is out here, the elevator is not working. We used the fire escape stairs. From here, there's a corridor, and at the end of the corridor, there's another door that leads to another staircase. Going down two more floors, there's a warehouse with vehicles."

"Vehicles? What kind of vehicles?"

"Not automobiles," Qiao Qiao chuckled. "It's an underground rail system with a section of railcars."

The other team members were all stunned.

After a few seconds, Lun Tai lifted the butt of his gun. "Brothers, it seems we're in trouble. I believe this industrial park hasn't been cleared by the system; instead, we may have walked into some kind of parallel world mission."

No one voiced any objections.

"We have two choices now. First, we can retreat and see if we can get back to the main road.

Second, we can continue going further inside and see what happens.

Personally, I recommend not going back because we don't know if we can return to the main road after entering this mission... even if we do go back, we probably won't find any transportation to Tel Aviv.

Most importantly, this place is too close to where we encountered the zombie ambush. I suspect it's related to the zombie incident!"

With that, Lun Tai glanced at Roddy and said, "Regardless of the situation, Roddy is poisoned, and we must resolve the zombie issue. Maybe this place is the key. I believe we should continue further inside."

"I insist on saving Roddy," Qiao Qiao's tone was calm but extremely resolute.

Xia Xiaolei added, "Of course!"

Qimu Xi whispered, "I have no objections."

Soon after, with a unanimous decision within the team, Lun Tai made the arrangements.

Roddy took the lead as the vanguard - this decision was based on Roddy already being poisoned, and repeated exposure to the toxin wouldn't worsen the infection.

Qiao Qiao and Qimu Xi were in the middle, accompanied by Will and Soo Soo.

Lun Tai and Xia Xiaolei were responsible for the rearguard.

"Will, you are now the eyes of our team because there are things only you can see. We need your abilities, don't be afraid, we're all with you. If you see anything, immediately tell me," Qiao Qiao spoke to Will with a very serious tone, and added, "I believe you can do it, right?"

"I... I can do it," Will nodded vigorously, summoning the courage to stand tall.

"Good," Qiao Qiao smiled gently. "If there's any danger, remember not to leave my side."

Roddy quickly took the lead, arriving at the security door. He gently pushed it open, then made a swift slash inside. After two seconds, Roddy turned back and said, "It's safe."

The team entered the security door, finding themselves in a very dark fire escape corridor due to the power outage, making it pitch-black inside.

Roddy, Lun Tai, and the others all pulled out tactical flashlights, casting beams of light through the corridor. The team moved slowly down the corridor.

The fire escape corridor was deep, and after descending approximately over a hundred steps, they reached the lower-level corridor that Qiao Qiao had mentioned.

Upon exiting the fire escape, the corridor ahead remained pitch-black. The ceiling was sturdy, without any suspended ceilings, but there were some air purification and ventilation devices.

At the entrance to the corridor ahead, there was a sliding gate.

The gate was in the open position, but when the team approached it, Lun Tai reached out and touched it twice.

"It's quite thick. This is a military-grade blast door," Lun Tai furrowed his brow.

Qiao Qiao was somewhat surprised because when she and Roddy came down earlier, they hadn't encountered this detail, and she didn't even know what a blast door was.

On both sides of the corridor were rooms with large transparent windows, but all of them had blinds down, so the interior couldn't be seen clearly. The corridor was quite long, approximately two to three hundred meters, with a T-shaped junction in the middle.

When they reached the junction, on the left side, it was pitch-dark. Roddy used his tactical flashlight to illuminate it briefly, revealing another sliding gate inside. However, this gate appeared to be closed.

"What is this place?" Roddy turned and asked Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao shook her head. "I don't know. When I came down earlier, I tried to go there, but the door was locked, and I couldn't push it open. I was in a hurry to find transportation, so I didn't waste time."

Qiao Qiao then pointed straight ahead in the corridor. "If you keep going this way, you'll reach the underground rail."

Roddy pondered for a moment but pointed at the gate in the junction. "I think we should give this door a try... There might be something inside. What do you think, Lun Tai?"

Lun Tai contemplated for a moment. "Will, did you see anything?"

Will whispered, "No."

Lun Tai thought for a moment and said, "Roddy and I will go and check it out. The rest of you stay here. Qiao Qiao and Xiaolei, keep an eye out in both directions."

Roddy carried ****** and headed towards the sliding gate in the junction.

The gate was less than ten meters from the junction in the corridor. As they approached, Roddy used his flashlight to inspect it from top to bottom and was about to reach for the door handle.

However, before he could touch it, Lun Tai shouted, "Don't touch it!"

Roddy turned back to see Lun Tai with a strange expression on his face, pointing at something above. "Look."

Roddy followed Lun Tai's direction and couldn't help but have a change in his expression.

Just above the sliding gate, about two meters above the ground, on that thick steel plate, there were several deep scratches!

It seemed as if... some sharp object had forcibly torn through the steel plate!

Roddy and Lun Tai both glanced at each other, and from each other's expressions, they could tell a hint of surprise.

"Something tried to break in through the door but failed, it looks like that," Lun Tai furrowed his brow.

Roddy gestured with his hand, "Could it have been done barehanded? What kind of creature has such terrifying strength?"

Lun Tai sighed and turned to shout, "Qiao Qiao, watch out for safety! There's danger here! Xiaolei, if there's a problem, shoot without hesitation!"

However, Roddy had already fixed his gaze on the door handle, reaching out and pressing on it...

After a few seconds, Roddy's face suddenly changed!

When his hand touched the door handle, he clearly felt a slight vibration.


This vibration was soundless, just a gentle oscillation, and could only be felt by placing a hand on the door, a very subtle tremor.

Roddy's expression became somewhat strange. He waved to Lun Tai, and then Lun Tai approached.

Roddy simply pressed his face against the sliding gate.

Thud! Thud!

Two more times!

"There's something inside the door!" Roddy whispered.

Lun Tai also approached, pressing his ear against the sliding gate.

Soon, Lun Tai's expression changed as well.

There was something inside, seemingly attempting to ram the gate, emitting a subtle vibration.

The two exchanged glances, then both stepped back, their guns and blades pointed at the sliding gate.

Lun Tai was about to speak when suddenly, from behind, Will let out another cry, "Ah! That guy is here!"

Lun Tai and Roddy turned back, only to see Will hiding behind Qiao Qiao, pointing in a direction...

And that direction was right between Lun Tai and Roddy.

Or more accurately, it was between Lun Tai, Roddy, and Qiao Qiao's group.

"What? Where?" Qiao Qiao immediately stood in front of Will.

"Right here, he's right here," Will quivered. "It's the guy I saw just now, wearing a white doctor's coat."

The scene at this moment was quite eerie. Among all the people present, only Will could see, and the others were looking at Will's pointed direction with puzzled and confused expressions.

Lun Tai and Roddy instantly became tense.

Ghosts, they were not afraid of them.

During their time in London, they had dealt with vengeful spirits.

But invisible ghosts were always trickier.

"He, he's waving at us," Will whispered. "He, he's waving at Mr. Lun Tai and Mr. Roddy."


The expressions on Lun Tai, Roddy, Qiao Qiao, Xiaolei, and the others turned strange.

"Why is he waving?" Qiao Qiao asked.

Will shook his head, and it seemed that being behind Qiao Qiao had reduced some of his fear.

"Will, are you able to talk to him?" Soo Soo suddenly asked.

Will hesitated for a moment, then gathered the courage to say, "I, I can try."

With that, Will leaned out halfway and nervously asked, "Sir, what are you doing?"

The others watched Will anxiously, and after a few seconds, Will's expression became quite strange.

He turned to look at Soo Soo and Qiao Qiao, then said, "He says... we shouldn't open this door. The consequences would be terrible."

Qiao Qiao's expression tightened. "Will, can you ask him a few more questions? Clarify the situation."

Will nodded and tried to calm himself, then quickly inquired in Hebrew.

Soon, Will breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "He says he's willing to communicate with us. Right now, he's talking to us, and I'll help convey his words to you."

"Good," Qiao Qiao nodded. "You're doing great. Go on, we'll listen carefully."

However, Lun Tai and Roddy didn't relax their vigilance. They both positioned themselves on either side. Lun Tai had put away his gun and cautiously retrieved a military blade coated with spiritual power, holding it discreetly.

"He says... his name is Alpha, and he's the chief research expert here. This place is the largest research center for a biopharmaceutical company under XXXX Corporation."

Listening to Will's "translation," both Lun Tai and Roddy had a somewhat uneasy feeling creeping into their hearts.