Team Annihilation

"Did you hear that?"

Lun Tai suddenly stopped in his tracks, raised his right fist, and turned to look at Roddy beside him.

Both Roddy and Qiao Qiao had solemn expressions.

"Behind us!"

From the rear of the tunnel, there was a faint buzzing sound, like a swarm of bees.

Lun Tai quickly ran to the end of the group, pulled down a night vision goggles hanging on his forehead, took a quick look, and immediately shouted, "Enemy attack!"

As he spoke, he had already knelt down on one knee, and the barrel of his gun spewed flames.

Amidst the sound of gunfire, bullets swept past.

And Roddy had also rushed to Lun Tai's side, pressed against the wall, gritted his teeth, and took out his rifle to shoot.

In the tunnel, a figure flying towards them was seen by everyone.

The opponent's body was covered with a strange exoskeleton armor, similar to Iron Man, covering almost 90% of the surface of the body. At the same time, the person was standing on a rapidly rotating metal wheel, and that metal wheel was spinning rapidly, carrying this guy quickly. The buzzing sound came from the rotation of the metal wheel.

Lun Tai's shooting response was extremely fast. Seeing the opponent approaching, he fired bullets. In the tunnel, sparks scattered, some directly hitting the opponent's body, but the exoskeleton armor on the opponent seemed to have strong defense, and the bullets were immediately deflected!

The metal wheel under the opponent's feet was spinning at an astonishing speed, and in the blink of an eye, it was right in front of them!

Just as this person suddenly shuddered, his entire body leaped into the air! In mid-air, the metal wheel automatically transformed and contracted, landing in his hand, rapidly morphing into a rotating circular saw!

This guy's body passed over Lun Tai's head! At that moment, the spinning circular saw in his hand viciously descended towards Lun Tai's head!

Lun Tai didn't react slowly; he immediately raised his gun to block and, at the same time, tilted his head to the right, avoiding the attack.

There was a series of "sizzling" sounds, and the gun in Lun Tai's hand had already been cut in half!

Meanwhile, the opponent landed, and the metal circular saw struck the ground, sparking a burst of flames. Even the steel rail on the ground was directly cut apart!

Roddy wasn't skilled in close combat, so he had been quickly retreating while firing continuously. At this moment, Qiao Qiao had already rushed forward.

As Qiao Qiao's eyes turned black all of a sudden, she extended her hand, pointing her palm at the person in the exoskeleton armor. From the palm of her hand, a black mist emerged...

But just at that moment, from behind in the tunnel, another figure suddenly rushed out!

This person was in the air, also wearing a metal exoskeleton armor, but what set him apart was that he didn't have a metal wheel beneath him; instead, he had thrusters on his back!

In the narrow tunnel, this guy's figure was swift and agile. He suddenly leaped and was almost by Qiao Qiao's side in an instant. Simultaneously, he opened his arms, and a net shimmering with electricity sprayed out!

Qiao Qiao was enveloped in this electric net, and her whole body was sent flying, sticking to the tunnel wall. The electric net carried a strong current, and Qiao Qiao's body struggled and trembled.

"Unni!!" Soo Soo screamed and rushed towards Qiao Qiao, while at the same time, she threw a fireball. The armored person with the thrusters was hit by the fireball and immediately retreated. After retreating more than ten meters, he floated in mid-air.

Just at that moment, the third opponent appeared!

Soo Soo hadn't reached Qiao Qiao's side yet when she looked down and saw more than ten tiny metal creatures, like spiders, crawling up her legs. These metal creatures extended their fine limbs and suddenly pierced into Soo Soo's body. At the same time, a powerful electric current passed through Soo Soo's body. The little girl screamed and was thrown away.

Qiao Qiao's body, face, and clothes had already been charred by the strong current. Finally, after calming down, a faint black mist appeared in her eyes. She tore off the metal net on her body with a pull, tearing it to shreds. Then, the burnt areas on her face and body quickly returned to normal.

She stepped forward towards Soo Soo, and just as the person with the thrusters rushed towards her, Qiao Qiao suddenly phased through, allowing the guy to pass through her body. But in the end, she grabbed the guy's feet. With a mighty roar, she flung him away, and he crashed to the ground with a loud thud!

The steel rails were sparking in all directions!

However, just as Qiao Qiao was about to continue walking forward, she felt a sharp pain in her foot. She saw several metal insects had already crawled onto the soles of her feet and pierced them fiercely.


Qiao Qiao cried out in pain, and the electric shock instantly brought her to her knees!

Up ahead, Lun Tai had already transformed with his Muscle Fruit, his body suddenly expanding to over two meters. With powerful muscles exposed, Lun Tai had pulled out a war hammer and swung it fiercely at the opponent wielding the circular saw.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

In a series of collisions, sparks flew everywhere as the circular saw and the war hammer clashed repeatedly! With Lun Tai's Muscle Fruit in effect, his strength skyrocketed, but for some reason, the opponent, probably due to the exoskeleton armor, didn't yield an inch in terms of strength!

The two of them engaged in a head-on confrontation, and with each clash of the war hammer and circular saw, Lun Tai would let out a roar!

Just as Lun Tai finally managed to block the opponent's circular saw, he clenched his left fist and tried to strike the opponent's head. However, halfway through the punch, the opponent's hand blocked it!

With a muffled sound, Lun Tai's body trembled, and his muscles and bones were making cracking sounds. On the opponent's armor, the joints seemed to be trembling as well!

In this power struggle, Lun Tai surprisingly couldn't make any headway!

The metal circular saw suddenly changed its angle, avoiding the top of the war hammer, and then it suddenly cut from the side. Lun Tai had to let go, and he watched as the metal circular saw directly cut the handle of Lun Tai's war hammer. Lun Tai suddenly roared and delivered a knee strike to the opponent's waist!

The exoskeleton armor shook, and the metal circular saw fell to the ground. Lun Tai took advantage of the situation and pounced on the opponent, pinning him firmly against the wall, and the two of them tumbled into a brawl!

Qiao Qiao finally managed to stand up. Black mist swirled around her, and the few metal insects on the soles of her feet seemed to be extremely afraid, dropping to the ground and quickly dispersing.

However, Qiao Qiao didn't attack the guy she had thrown to the ground. Instead, she suddenly turned her head and reached out into the air...

Above her head, on the tunnel's ceiling, a figure suddenly dropped down!

This was another person wearing an exoskeleton armor!

This guy landed on the ground, desperately clutching his own neck and struggling. Qiao Qiao, on the other hand, floated directly towards him.

When Qiao Qiao's palm touched the guy's body, he shuddered, and his armor suddenly began to disintegrate! Completely shattered!

Qiao Qiao was about to move forward when she suddenly screamed in pain. She lowered her head and saw a blade protruding from her chest!

She turned her head and saw that the guy she had thrown to the ground behind her had somehow stood up, holding a military knife that was over a meter long!

Qiao Qiao took a deep breath, watching her blood flow, and then her body suddenly started to phase rapidly, turning into a shadow. Her blood and wounded body no longer had substance.

Soo Soo struggled to crawl up from under the wall and saw Qiao Qiao being pierced. She screamed, "Die!!"

The little girl's eyes instantly turned lifeless!

The armored figure with the blade was instantly engulfed by a fiery wall that spewed forth. The bursting flames pushed it outside!

Soo Soo screamed in anger, and within the flames, a massive phoenix appeared. When the armored figure was smashed against the wall, the fire wall continued to erupt, pinning it firmly against the wall. At the same time, the phoenix repeatedly slammed into the armor!

"Boss! Boss! My fire-resistant coating is about to give out! I don't know what skill this little girl has! Damn it! My high-temperature resistance layer is down to 20%!"

This voice was from the teenager who played with electronic equipment.

Meanwhile, the guy who was engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Lun Tai, One-Eye, quickly responded, "Find a way to break free, create distance! Hurry! Stinkbug! What the hell are you doing!!"

The Stinkbug had its throat grasped by Qiao Qiao, and its armor had completely turned into antimatter, becoming fine powder, and then it disappeared completely!

Qiao Qiao's fingers were almost about to touch his skin!

Hearing One-Eye's voice, Stinkbug roared, "This woman is insanely strong! Quick, save me!"

One-Eye snorted, and he punched Lun Tai in the chest, forcing Lun Tai to step back a few paces. Then, One-Eye pounced forward!

He slammed into Stinkbug's body, crashing him directly into the wall. Rolling on the ground, he raised his hand, and a gun barrel appeared on his arm. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The flames sprayed onto Qiao Qiao's body. Qiao Qiao was in a phased state, and after the bullets passed through her, she twisted her body forward and reached for One-Eye!

One-Eye was horrified and immediately tried to run, shouting loudly, "No Tongue! No Tongue!"

Just at that moment, Qiao Qiao took two steps and suddenly felt a jolt beneath her feet!

She looked down and saw a hand emerging from the ground, the palm already gripping her ankle!

Qiao Qiao furrowed her brow!

Her body was currently in a state of dark shadow phasing, but her opponent was still able to grab her foot... which meant that the opponent might have a similar ability!

As she watched the hand on the ground grab her, instead of continuing upwards, her body shuddered and was pulled into the ground by the grip! In the blink of an eye, Qiao Qiao's calf had disappeared into the ground!

Soo Soo saw this and tried to grab Qiao Qiao's hand, but she came up empty-handed. In the meantime, while she was distracted, Electronic Youth who had been pinned to the wall by the phoenix finally got a chance. Seeing the wall of fire disappear and the phoenix dissipate, he immediately rushed forward and went straight for the members of the Meteor Rock Guild!

Roddy kept firing continuously, hitting the opponent's body. He turned to Qimu Xi and shouted, "Run! Protect Will!"

Qimu Xi held Will tightly in her arms and turned to run!

Seeing that the young man from the other side was coming after them and seemingly willing to let go of Roddy, he pursued Qimu Xi.

Roddy had already spread his arms and pounced!

"Float! Protect me!"


A silver light immediately appeared on Roddy's body. Metal components completely enclosed his arms, and the thrusters activated, allowing Roddy to grab the opponent's shoulder and roll them both into a corner!

Electronic Youth was pulled down by Roddy, and he immediately launched a punch, while his body emitted a strong electric current!

Roddy's head tilted, and his fist smashed into the wall, causing rocks to crumble. The intense electrical current that followed was blocked by Float's right hand, which Roddy had already encased.

Float's presence on his right arm formed an electromagnetic shield that firmly blocked the electrical current!

The two of them wrestled with each other, and then suddenly, there was a bright flash of electric light!

Finally, with a bang, the shockwave from the explosion separated the two of them!

Roddy's back slammed into the ground, and the pain made him grimace. He looked down at Float on his arm...

"Damn it!"

Roddy cursed angrily.

Floating Angel, this piece of equipment, had suffered significant damage during the Punishment Dungeon when Roddy used it to confront the Feral Tiger Angel. After the dungeon ended, Roddy had been trying to repair it at the base.

However, repairing a top-tier equipment like Floating Angel was a costly and challenging endeavor. Moreover, Roddy felt that Float, as a sentient being, didn't fully obey his control. During the repair process, Float resisted his efforts to infuse it with power.

This slow progress in repairing Floating Angel meant that, to this day, Float had not been fully restored to its state before the Punishment Dungeon.

The current Float, in Roddy's hands, was no longer able to manifest in its complete form. It could only barely appear and transform into a mechanical arm for use.

This greatly compressed Float's functionality.

Qiao Qiao had been pulled to the ground! Her body disappeared completely into the ground amidst Soo Soo's screams!

Soo Soo was in shock. She fell to the ground and frantically clawed at the earth. Just then, Stinkbug took the opportunity to approach and grabbed Soo Soo by her hair, lifting the young girl up. At the same time, more electronic bugs crawled onto his hand and onto Soo Soo's body.

The sharp claws of the electronic bugs pierced Soo Soo's body, causing her to shudder.

"Behave and fall!" Stinkbug laughed heartily.

Within the bodies of the electronic bugs, a certain neural agent from their reserves was injected into Soo Soo's skin. Stimulated by the numerous electronic bugs, Soo Soo suddenly went limp and sat down on the ground.

Stinkbug turned his head and saw that One-Eye had re-engaged in a battle with Lun Tai. One-Eye's armor had been smashed in several places, his shoulder was torn, and his helmet had deformed.

Lun Tai had blood flowing from his mouth, and he firmly held One-Eye's shoulder, repeatedly smashing his body against the wall.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and help!" One-Eye roared in the team channel.

Stinkbug chuckled and didn't dare to delay, quickly controlling the swarm of electronic bugs.

After several electronic bugs climbed up Lun Tai's leg, electricity erupted, and Lun Tai roared to the sky, finally letting go of One-Eye. Seizing the opportunity, One-Eye kicked Lun Tai, sending him tumbling, while he himself took a few steps back.

One-Eye spat out blood inside his helmet. "Several of my bones are broken! Damn, it's been a while since I've seen such a formidable practitioner in the Physical Arts."

Lun Tai knelt on one knee on the ground, electricity flowing through his body, emitting an angry roar.

At that moment... BAM!

There was a loud bang!

Stinkbug, standing there, trembled as sparks exploded on his head.

It was Roddy, holding a grenade launcher and smoking at the barrel.

Roddy fired a shot that hit directly. He then dropped the grenade launcher and rushed forward.

Stinkbug, wearing armor and a helmet, was not harmed by the grenade launcher. He was momentarily stunned, but then a group of electronic bugs emerged from his armor and climbed onto Roddy's arm.

"Ha ha! You're asking for it!" Stinkbug sneered and unleashed the electronic bugs on Roddy's arm.

"Stinkbug, no! His ability counters yours!"

From a distance, the electronic youth who had fallen to the ground at an earlier time shouted urgently.

However, it was already too late!

The electronic youth sat on the ground, and his bone armor seemed to have its power source severed. Deprived of his armor, the electronic youth slumped there, helplessly watching as Roddy grabbed Stinkbug.

Roddy's arm had already been climbed by over twenty electronic bugs. But before these bugs could reveal their fangs and claws to pierce his skin, suddenly, all of them shrank and fell to the ground one after another!

Stinkbug, held by Roddy, was surprised. "What's going on?!"

Roddy gripped his shoulder and snorted. "Mechanical pets? I love mechanical things the most!"

After a snort from Roddy, all the electronic bugs on the ground suddenly sprang back up, rushing onto Stinkbug's body like crazy!

Stinkbug was in shock and struggled, but after breaking free from Roddy, the electronic bugs crawled onto his body and immediately erupted in scattered electrical explosions.

More and more electronic bugs emerged from his body, but he had lost control over them entirely!

Just like how Roddy controlled those electronic bugs with the infection ability, soon Stinkbug fell to the ground, and the electronic bugs all over his body detonated one after another, the strong electrical currents burning the devices of his bone armor.

Seeing both of his teammates defeated, One-Eye shouted in anger, "Idiots! He can control machinery, don't get close to him!"

With One-Eye having knocked Lun Tai down with a knee to the forehead, Lun Tai collapsed.

One-Eye turned around and quickly took a deep breath.

He raised his hand, and from his palm, an electromagnetic beam shot out.

Roddy immediately raised his hand, and Float's arm shielded him, a silver semi-transparent protective barrier blocking the electromagnetic cannon blast. However, Roddy was still blown away.

"Damn it!" Roddy fell to the ground, feeling blood spewing from his mouth.

The tunnel was too narrow, and he couldn't summon his mecha...

Roddy pounded the ground fiercely with his fist.

One-Eye strode towards Roddy, his arm continuously firing electromagnetic cannons.

Amidst the dazzling light, Roddy could only lie on the ground, barely lifting Float's-arm-covered arm to protect himself with Float's energy shield.

With One-Eye delivering a barrage of attacks, at least a dozen shots were fired, and Roddy was almost completely covered beneath them.

Finally, One-Eye laughed coldly and raised his arm, revealing a machine gun barrel.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

After a round of continuous fire, a loud crash followed as a large chunk of the tunnel's ceiling fell, burying Roddy beneath it. Roddy had only managed to use Float to block briefly before being completely covered.

Soo Soo was unconscious, Lun Tai had fallen, and Roddy was buried. Qiao Qiao was pulled underground.

The Meteor Rock Guild's four major combatants had all been defeated.

Meanwhile, in the distance, Qimu Xi still clung to Will, futilely shooting at One-Eye.

One-Eye paid her no attention and turned to look at the Electronic Youth and Stinkbug. "You idiots! Give up your armor and get up!"

He then turned back and grabbed Lun Tai from the ground, clutching Lun Tai's throat with his left hand and reaching out with his right.

The metallic saw blade on the ground immediately flew into his hand, spinning rapidly.

"One with a value of five hundred! Haha! I like it!"

The metallic saw blade was about to cut into Lun Tai's neck...

Suddenly, the sound of engines roared from the tunnel behind!


One-Eye had just raised his head when he saw a massive object flying towards him!

He barely had time to make it out... this seemed to be... a motorcycle?!


The entire person was sent flying by the motorcycle!

A figure quickly approached!

The sword's edge cut through the air!


With a single stroke of the sword, One-Eye's right hand holding the metal saw blade was severed from his elbow!

His formidable skeletal armor didn't provide him with the slightest protection!

One-Eye screamed in agony as he tried to crawl away, but a sword had already pierced his back and through his heart.

The sword passed through the armor and his body, pinning him to the ground!

A foot was placed on One-Eye's back, then swiftly pressed down, pulling the sword out!

One-Eye had breathed his last!

"System Prompt: You have killed a member of the Light Camp. System reward: 1500 points."

Chen Xiaolian sneered, his eyes fixed firmly on Stinkbug, who was sitting on the ground with his skeletal armor completely useless.

Stinkbug was the most unfortunate one. He had just heard One-Eye's words and was about to abandon his armor, so he had removed his helmet, leaving his face exposed.

When Chen Xiaolian's gaze fell on him, Stinkbug screamed, scrambled to his feet, and turned to run.

Chen Xiaolian didn't chase after him but instead walked toward Electronic Youth sitting in the corner. As he approached, he pulled out a gun and, while walking, aimed at Stinkbug and pulled the trigger.

Bang, bang, bang...

The first few shots missed the head and hit the body, causing sparks, but the final shot hit Stinkbug's head directly.

"System Prompt: You have killed a member of the Light Camp. System reward: 1500 points."

When Stinkbug's head was blown apart, Chen Xiaolian was already standing in front of Electronic Youth.

He stared at the trembling youth with cold eyes.

Electronic Youth shivered and suddenly screamed, "Don't kill me! My teammate has taken your comrade underground! If you don't want her to die..."

Before Electronic Youth could finish his sentence...


A figure sprung up from the ground.

It lay in front of Electronic Youth, leaving him speechless in fear.

Facing his own comrade, the one who could phase her body, it was No Tongue!

No Tongue was clearly on the brink of death.

Below his neck, his body had begun to crumble into fine particles, just like weathered rocks turning into gravel.

Meanwhile, Qiao Qiao slowly floated up from the ground. She opened her mouth and coughed up a mouthful of black blood onto the floor. She managed to cast a glance at Chen Xiaolian but then collapsed.

Chen Xiaolian frowned, rushed to hold Qiao Qiao, but noticed that her face was covered in dark aura, and she had already closed her eyes, unconscious.

Electronic Youth was truly stunned now.

Chen Xiaolian glanced at him, lifted the stone sword, and the blade came down...

Crack, crack, crack...

After a few strikes, Electronic Youth screamed. However, he realized that his body was intact, but most of his sturdy armor had been cut open, with pieces falling to the ground.

"In a while, I will interrogate you slowly. If you want to lie, take this time to come up with a good story!"