

The surname of Will.

The surnames of the target individuals from the other teams.

The name of the demon who once tempted King Solomon to fall!

After all these clues were finally connected, everything became clear.

So, Will's identity...

Chen Xiaolian furrowed his brows tightly.

Inside the carriage, everyone looked at Will. With so many people staring at him, Will seemed a bit apprehensive and shrank back slightly.

"So, he might be a demon?" Roddy whispered, "We are in the Dark Camp, and the system requires us to protect his safety... it's pretty obvious, isn't it?"

"What about the other game participants?" Qiao Qiao frowned, "Now it seems that all the target individuals the other game participants are looking for in the first phase have the surname Belia. Are they all demons?"

"I think things can be more complicated." Chen Xiaolian sighed and shared his analysis and speculation, "Maybe this is a plot, maybe... in the first phase, all the teams are looking for individuals with the surname Belia, and it's a part of the plot itself. Perhaps, in this plot, all these 'Belias' are descendants of demons, or they all have demon bloodlines... and then, the system requires us to randomly find these people, each of us having a descendant of a demon, and then, based on the tasks in different stages, we are placed into different camps and storylines."

With that, Chen Xiaolian analyzed earnestly, "The second phase asks us to choose whether to kill Will... it can actually be understood as whether to kill a 'demon descendant.'

If we kill him, then it's undoubtedly a ticket to the camp of the Lightbringers.

If we don't kill him... maybe there's a chance to enter that side quest on Stonemason Mountain.

I even speculate that perhaps only teams that choose not to kill the target individual can activate the side quest on Stonemason Mountain and come into contact with the feather of the Demon King. It's just that we completed this side quest, and other teams didn't get the chance.

And once we complete this side quest, we become part of the official Dark Camp, and Will is automatically designated as a true demon by the system... while the other participants become our hostile camp."

Hearing this, Tian nodded, "I think this speculation is highly likely."

"So... what about the other teams in the second phase who didn't kill their target individuals either? They didn't encounter the side quest on Stonemason Mountain, but they also didn't kill their target individuals. Why were they categorized into the camp of the Lightbringers?" Qimu Xi suddenly spoke up, breaking her silence and surprising everyone.

Qimu Xi was usually quiet, so her sudden input caught everyone's attention.

She seemed a bit nervous, pursed her lips, and whispered, "I... I just feel like it's unfair this way. Why are we the only ones identified as the Dark Camp, subjected to attacks from everyone..."

"There's no such thing as fairness or unfairness," Chen Xiaolian shook his head. "The greater the danger, the greater the difficulty... perhaps the rewards are more abundant as well. That's how the system has always been. Our challenges are the greatest, but the rewards are also the highest. You've seen it; we get 1500 points for killing a Lightbringer, but they only get 500 points for killing one of us.

I can even assert that assuming we complete the final dungeon task, the rewards will be unexpectedly generous.

However, we don't need to recklessly take risks."

Just then, Xia Xiaolei spoke up, "Guild Leader... I think things might change."

"Oh?" Chen Xiaolian smiled at Xia Xiaolei.

"Perhaps... in the later stages, the system will differentiate the camps again," Xia Xiaolei whispered, "I think Qimu Xi has a point. It doesn't make sense for those teams who didn't kill their target individuals to be abruptly classified into the Light Camp. Maybe... in the later stages, they'll have another chance to choose their camp. Maybe... we might not be the only Dark Camp participants, and there might be changes later on."

Chen Xiaolian smiled and looked at everyone, then back at Xia Xiaolei, his expression filled with approval. "Well done, Xiaolei, you used your brain, and that's excellent!"

Chen Xiaolian rubbed his hands together and said, "Actually, my speculation aligns with this... but my perspective is different. I've been analyzing it from the system's point of view."

"Oh?" Roddy became interested. "How do you see it?"

Chen Xiaolian chuckled, "Haven't you all noticed that there's a BUG in the system's prompts?"

"…A BUG?" Roddy furrowed his brows, and the others also frowned as they contemplated.

Chen Xiaolian sighed and continued, "We're only in the second stage of the dungeon, and the system has already labeled us as enemies! All the other Lightbringers can hunt us down... but Lightbringers are not allowed to kill each other within their own camp.

Moreover, the system has set an enticing price. Killing us can bring a lot of benefits to the Lightbringers.

But think about it this way.

The dungeon currently appears to be divided into two camps, the Dark Camp and the Light Camp in opposition.

The ultimate final task is for our Dark Camp to activate the magic circle and hold out for 30 minutes. The Lightbringer's task is to stop us.

This is the final showdown in the storyline.

But now... it's only the second stage!

Suppose, just suppose!

Suppose we are indeed the only Dark Camp participants, and the system doesn't change the camp distribution anymore... then, if we, as the sole Dark Camp participants, are accidentally hunted down by the Lightbringers in the second stage... and we all die.

What does that imply?

It implies that in the second phase, before the ultimate plot unfolds... the Dark Camp will be wiped out!

We've just entered the second phase, and the Lightbringers have already achieved complete victory?

So, what about the third phase with the magic circle and all that? They wouldn't even need to fight... they could just lie down and wait for time to run out.

How could the system allow such a situation?!"

At this point, Chen Xiaolian's eyes sparkled. "So, I dare say: although we are currently the only Dark Camp participants... it's only for now! In the second and third phases, the system will definitely reallocate the camps once again! By that time, maybe we won't be the only Dark Camp participants anymore."

This was a new perspective!

Chen Xiaolian's words seemed to bring a glimmer of hope to everyone.

However, as Chen Xiaolian looked at their surprised expressions, he deliberately smiled, "But it doesn't matter to us anyway. After all... we've already decided to give up on this dungeon. When the second phase ends, we'll run out the time, intentionally not completing the tasks in the second phase, and we can leave this dungeon.

Whether we are the only Dark Camp or not... we don't need to take this risk."

The others let out sighs of relief, especially Roddy, who laughed loudly and said, "That's right... so even if your speculation is correct, it doesn't matter to us, does it?"

"Exactly, we're just waiting to set sail now, then we'll spend the remaining time at sea, doing our best to avoid being hunted by other teams, and then... we can go home."

Chen Xiaolian's tone was calm.


Two hours later.

On the sea west of Tel Aviv.

A silver submarine floated on the surface of the sea.

Chen Xiaolian stood on the submarine, holding binoculars, and scanning the surroundings.

Under the night vision binoculars, the sea surface appeared as a faint green hue.

After watching for a few minutes, Chen Xiaolian put away the binoculars.

Next to Chen Xiaolian was Lun Tai.

"No abnormalities," Chen Xiaolian breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't see anything either," Lun Tai replied in a relaxed tone. He then leaned down and shouted into the hatch, "Roddy?"

Roddy's voice came from inside, "The submarine's radar also shows no signs of abnormalities."

Chen Xiaolian's mood finally lightened a bit.

It had been over two hours since they started their plan.

In that time, they had experienced two coordinate announcements from the system!

During these two announcements, no other teams had tracked them down to hunt them. Perhaps the other teams were busy completing the second phase's tasks, or maybe they had discovered their coordinates but found that they were far from the mainland or too distant, so they gave up on the pursuit.

In any case, they had safely passed through both instances.

"I remember that in the original second phase, the task was to reach Tel Aviv, and the system gave us 24 hours for that. Considering the drive from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, an hour should be more than enough. The system's given time is quite generous, which means that even if teams didn't encounter the side quest on Stonemason Mountain on the way, they would encounter other plot points, interceptions, or battles," Chen Xiaolian thought aloud. "However, this time, there are powerful teams participating, and the Thorny Flower's strength should not be underestimated. Even if there were plot-related obstacles and battles on the road from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv, with the current time, I estimate that other teams should have arrived in Tel Aviv and completed the second phase by now."

Lun Tai chuckled, "So, it means the second phase's tasks are almost over. Once they all finish, we can be deemed as failing and leave the dungeon."

"That's right," Chen Xiaolian sighed, but a hint of unease lingered in his mind. "I hope... it turns out that way."

Chen Xiaolian had several points of concern:

Firstly, his team's channel was still blocked—according to what Chen had said, it might have been the work of those unicorn-riding guys.

Secondly... that guy who called himself their Guild Leader, old Will! Chen Xiaolian had speculations about this, but... he couldn't explain this kind of guess!

"Have Roddy change the course again; it's our last chance, and we can't afford to be careless. Continue making irregular course changes. In case someone is tracking us, we can't let them figure out our navigation patterns."

Upon hearing Chen Xiaolian's orders, Lun Tai gave a slight smile, conveyed the message to Roddy, and then looked at Chen Xiaolian. "This dungeon has certainly been full of twists and turns. Fortunately, everyone is safe... after we return, we need to thoroughly analyze the lessons learned and then work on improving our team's strength. I think we've gained a lot from this dungeon."

Chen Xiaolian nodded and smiled wryly, "On paper, our strength is already quite formidable, but we need to translate that paper strength into real power. We still lack experience."

"Yes, after we return, we need to reflect and focus on honing our combat skills. We should make good use of the training facilities at the base," Lun Tai agreed.

Chen Xiaolian sighed and gazed at the sea in the darkness.

A few minutes later, Chen Xiaolian suddenly received a system prompt.

At the same time, every member of the Meteor Rock Guild received the same message!

After scanning the system prompt, Chen Xiaolian's face changed drastically.

"Damn it!"


[System Prompt: A Lightbringer has reached Tel Aviv, completed the second phase's tasks first, with a completion rate of 100%, and successfully activated the Sacred Light!

Due to the activation of the Sacred Light, dark forces have been dispelled.

The Demon Candidate, Young Will, owned by the Meteor Rock Guild, is affected by the purging power of Light and is experiencing continuous life decay. He will die in 59 minutes.

Please lead Young Will to the Demon Island and activate the magic circle, enduring for 15 minutes before Young Will's death to save him.

Otherwise, if Young Will dies, the Meteor Rock Guild will have two members forcibly randomized out.

The second phase will end either after 24 hours of countdown (remaining time: 18 hours, 36 minutes, 27 seconds).

Or immediately when the Dark Camp activates the magic circle!]

If either of the above two conditions is met, it will be considered the end of the second phase, and the third phase will automatically commence!

Once the second phase ends, participants who have not completed the tasks of the second phase will be forcibly removed from this dungeon and deemed to have failed the mission, subject to punishment."

After cursing angrily, Chen Xiaolian saw Lun Tai also turn to look at him, his face filled with shock.

"I... knew it, it wasn't going to be that simple!" Chen Xiaolian said bitterly.