
When the submarine reached the coordinates indicated by the system near the island's surface, Chen Xiaolian and the others, after observing through the periscope, all sighed in unison.

Chen Xiaolian wore a bitter smile and said, "This island is definitely created by the system on-the-fly for the mission!"

Roddy also left the periscope, turned to look at Chen Xiaolian, and couldn't help but comment, "Damn it, creating such a place near Tel Aviv's waters, of course, it's a temporary creation for the Instance, or else it would be chaos!"

As for the other team members, Lun Tai was marveling at the sight, while Xia Xiaolei and Qimu Xi, the two young ones, had their eyes widened in astonishment!

So huge... an island?


On the sea surface, calm waves, in the midst of the night, the starry sky was abundant, and moonlight shimmered like water.

However, at this moment, inside the submarine, one could just see a peculiar peak standing tall, sharp as if it had been cut by a knife, seemingly piercing the sky!

The height of this mountain was indiscernible from within the submarine, but it felt like it reached the very heavens, nearly on par with the moon.

What was most eerie was that beneath the mountain's rocks, there lay vast expanses of black barren land, completely devoid of vegetation.

Most crucially, beneath the layers of rocks on the mountain, there was... air!

This island floated above the sea surface, approximately dozens of meters above the water! The entire island was astonishingly suspended in mid-air, rootless, without soil, without roots, without mountains!

Compared to this colossal floating island in the sky, the submarine surfacing on the sea appeared as tiny as an ant beside a giant.

Everyone stared in awe through the periscope at this massive object suspended in mid-air. After a while, Xia Xiaolei suddenly sighed, "Damn... this island doesn't look like a safe place!"

Others deeply agreed!

Lun Tai glanced at Chen Xiaolian, "Should we go ashore now?"

Chen Xiaolian checked the time; there were still twenty-eight minutes until Will's death.

However, there were only... three minutes left until the next time the Light Camp could lock onto their coordinates through the system.

"We're going ashore now..." Chen Xiaolian shook his head suddenly. "No, now... Roddy, turn the helm around, we're leaving this place!"

"Leaving?" Roddy was stunned.

Chen Xiaolian snorted and said slowly, "When we land, it just happens to be the time when the Light Camp can lock onto our coordinates!

I suspect that the plot hints given to the Light Camp players in the Instance are divided into stages. After the Light Camp players arrive in Tel Aviv, they will need to complete other tasks to obtain the coordinates of Demon Island.

In other words, if we land now, we might expose the coordinates of Demon Island!

Follow my orders, immediately turn around and head south at full speed."

Chen Xiaolian took a deep breath and clenched his fist tightly. "We... will return after this coordinate lock is over."

"But what about Will..."

"We have time." Chen Xiaolian's gaze was resolute.


Tian Lie gently pulled his hand out from a knight's chest; his fingertips had turned into sharp metallic blades and swiftly reverted to their finger form.

This guy was covered in blood, and around him, there were bodies forming a circular pattern on the ground.

Meanwhile, Nicole had already ridden her horse to a distance. Her hair and body were smeared with blood, her warhorse foaming at the mouth and on the verge of collapse.

Nicole pulled the reins, dismounted, and glanced at a knight who had just been knocked off his horse by her. She walked over to the fallen knight, then gently lifted his visor.

Under the moonlight, the knight's face suddenly aged rapidly, and then the flesh beneath the armor turned into a wisp of green smoke, gradually disappearing!

At the same time, on the wilderness, the bodies of the fallen knights and their horses all turned into green smoke one by one. Even the bloodstains on Tian Lie and Nicole gradually disappeared.

It was as if... the intense battle that had just taken place had never happened!

Tian Lie watched as the last trace of blood on his clothing disappeared on its own and frowned. He looked up at Nicole in the distance.

"It seems... the battle is over?" he said.

Nicole heard Tian Lie's words, hmphed, then turned and walked over, patting the sack on her horse's back.

The person inside the sack groaned a few times, shivering for a moment.

"As long as he's not dead," Nicole remarked.

At that moment, both of them received notifications in their personal systems simultaneously.

"System Prompt: You have successfully dismantled the interception and killed all interceptors, opening the path to Tel Aviv and obtaining permission to enter Tel Aviv."

Tian Lie read it and said casually, "So, we can enter Tel Aviv now?"

"What are you waiting for?" Nicole yelled from a distance. "Waiting any longer, and it will be daylight."

"In two minutes, the system will show the coordinates of the Dark Camp players again. I'm curious where they are now," Tian Lie chuckled.

Nicole glanced at her horse, "The horse doesn't look well. Let's go on foot."

However, Tian Lie shook his head, "We need to find some transportation..."

"What's wrong? Weren't you always fond of wasting time?" Nicole teased.

"I have a strange feeling... if we don't hurry and reach Tel Aviv, we might not have a chance to enter the city," Tian Lie replied.


Tian Lie's intuition was undoubtedly correct. Just as the two of them gave up their horses and ran to the roadside, they found a pickup truck next to an old warehouse...

The Meteor Rock Guild's submarine had just turned away from the sky island.

If the Meteor Rock Guild had landed on the island at that time, the system would have immediately deemed the second phase over, and Tian Lie and Nicole, who had not entered Tel Aviv, would have been eliminated from the Instance.


"Two and a half minutes left."

Thirteen glanced at Chen Xiaolian and said, "The System Prompt for locking your coordinates has a countdown of two minutes and twenty-eight seconds."

Chen Xiaolian looked at Lun Tai, "Are you ready?"

Lun Tai nodded.

In the team channel, Roddy's voice came, "The Tidal Warplane is ready as well. You can come up anytime."

Just above the submarine, in the sky, the Tidal Warplane was flying at low altitude, nearly skimming the sea surface, maintaining a parallel trajectory with the submarine.

Roddy sat in the cockpit of the Tidal Warplane, skillfully manipulating the controls. "I'll open the hatch in a moment, and you can prepare to dock anytime."

"Don't be too early; let's wait out the last... two minutes," Chen Xiaolian smiled.


"Huh? These guys are heading south... According to this coordinate, they should be on the sea?"

In the pickup truck, Tian Lie sat in his seat, occasionally looking at the radar on his personal system. "These Dark Camp guys are not in Tel Aviv; they've gone to the sea and are still heading south."

"Maybe the Dark Camp people have a different storyline from our Instance mission," Nicole furrowed her brow. "What's wrong with that?"

"Killing one of them is worth five hundred points, not to mention other additional rewards," Tian Lie glanced at Nicole. "Don't tell me you're not tempted. If we can confirm that these people are not with Chen Xiaolian and the others, I'd be very tempted to go hunting."

"Shut up and hurry up to get into Tel Aviv," Nicole's face looked grim.


"They went south?"

In the square outside the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

Shen smiled as he looked at the Western Wall in the night. He crossed his legs and sat on the ground. "They're quite cunning, aren't they?"


A few minutes later, Chen Xiaolian saw that all the team members had jumped onto the Tidal Warplane. He stood on the submarine, retracted the submarine into his storage wristwatch, and leaped into the Tidal Warplane. He immediately shouted at Roddy, "Turn around! We're heading to that damn island!"

The Tidal Warplane's engines roared, and the aircraft shot out like an arrow!

At such a fast speed, the outline of Demon Island quickly reappeared in the view of the Meteor Rock Guild.

"This place looks extremely dangerous just by its appearance," Lun Tai, standing next to Roddy, looked at the towering mountain in the sky. "I wonder what's inside this island."

Just then, Qimu Xi suddenly pointed in the distance and screamed, "Look!"

Following Qimu Xi's pointing direction, under the moonlight, a dark mass whizzed out from the other side of the mountain, circling around the peak...

Everyone stared closely and couldn't help but gasp!

So many... bats!

Countless of them, like a dark cloud covering the sky...

As the Tidal Warplane gradually approached the mountain of the island, a dark cloud had appeared in the sky, blocking out the moon and the stars. Within the dark cloud, faint thunder roared.