
Aunt Flame's face was adorned with a subtle smirk as she approached slowly, her graceful figure tightly wrapped in a snug red leather jacket, swaying gracefully as she walked.

But despite such a seductive sight, who would have the mind to appreciate it at this moment?

The remaining thugs watched as Aunt Flame approached as if a demon were at their doorstep. Some watched in horror, knowing that with a snap of her fingers, heads would burst like ripe melons. Such a terrifying scene, how could anyone hold up?

Some were so scared they wet themselves on the spot, trembling as they stood there. Though desperately wanting to run, their legs refused to move. Others were already prostrate on the ground, vomiting uncontrollably, even bile coming out.

These thugs, these ruffians, were nothing more than ordinary people. While they may have been brave and fierce in ordinary times, in moments like these, witnessing such ruthless killings, those who could remain standing without kneeling were already considered rare heroes.

As Aunt Flame approached, several thugs could no longer move, while the burly man here, clutching his pole tightly, though his expression was grim, he was, after all, a veteran who had seen life and death on the battlefield. Though shocked by this woman's mystical powers and brutal methods, he could still grip the pole tightly, standing upright.

Meanwhile, Fatty beside him was not faring well at all.

Fatty was scared out of his wits, his teeth chattering, his legs trembling, only able to stammer as he looked at Aunt Flame, "You, you, you've come..."

Aunt Flame snorted disdainfully and casually pointed her finger. Instantly, the heads of two thugs beside her exploded, their bodies melting into a puddle of mud. The remaining few suddenly found the courage to flee, screaming and attempting to scatter, but with a cold smirk, Aunt Flame snapped her fingers.

As these thugs ran into the fields, they witnessed their heads exploding one after another, the farthest one only managing to run a dozen meters before collapsing in the fields.

The burly man's mouth went dry as he stared at the woman. "What, what are you, some kind of... demon?"

Aunt Flame scrutinized the burly man for a moment, as if something peculiar flowed through her gaze for a fleeting moment. But then, she seemed to ignore him completely, walking straight up to Fatty, raising her hand and delivering a slap.

The slap sent Fatty stumbling.

Clutching his face, Fatty dared not even flinch, staring at the woman in fear.

"You tell me, was that slap justified?"

With his cheek swollen, Fatty quickly nodded, "Yes, yes, you were right, you're always right."

"I've always treated you well, haven't I, little fatty? Does that bastard Bluesea treat you better than I do?" Aunt Flame pointed casually at the burly man. "If I hadn't discovered the strangeness myself and investigated all the way here, you might have hidden it from me! Hmph! You even hid it from me!?"

At this moment, Aunt Flame approached and stood beside Fatty. Then, the light from the main room of the house illuminated her face, and the burly man seemed to finally see the woman's face clearly.

Initially on guard as if facing a formidable enemy, after carefully examining her for a moment, his expression suddenly changed drastically!

His face was filled with incredulous eyes as he stared at the woman, then he suddenly exclaimed, "Ah! You, you! You!! You!!"

Aunt Flame turned her head, casting a complex glance at the burly man. "Me? What about me? Just because I put on heavy makeup, you don't recognize me anymore?"

The burly man's body suddenly trembled. "You're... you're Ayu? You're Ayu?! Ayu?! This can't be! It's impossible! How can you... how can you be so young?!"

This woman, known as Aunt Flame and referred to as Ayu by the burly man, upon hearing this shout, raised an eyebrow slightly, unable to suppress a hint of emotion on her face. "Hmph, Ayu, it's been a long time since I've heard that name being called."

With that, she scrutinized the burly man for a few moments, but eventually disappointment filled her eyes. "You are Da Feng, but... you are not Skyblade."

The burly man wanted to say something, but Ayu suddenly flashed behind him, poking a finger at his head, and the burly man's eyelids immediately flickered before he collapsed.

Fatty beside him reacted quickly, catching the burly man and then turning to look at Ayu.

"What are you looking at? Do you think I would actually hurt him?" Ayu glared at Fatty, causing him to shrink back. "Just knock him out for now, we'll explain later. This matter is complicated, and we need to think about how to tell him."

"But, but..." Fatty held onto his father, smiling bitterly. "Aunt Flame, your entrance was too shocking. Killing people with such ease, isn't it... a bit too much?"

The woman chuckled coldly. "Too much? Hmph, you haven't learned anything else, but you've picked up his indecisiveness over the years by Bluesea's side! Since these guys came looking for trouble with your old man, if you just simply drive them away, do you think they won't come back? Do you plan to stay here guarding your old man forever? You brought out a gun tonight, but if you don't deal with them and let them escape, what if it attracts the police? Is your gun useful? Or do you plan to bring out mechs? Kids are impulsive, so I took care of them all at once, is that not good?"

"But... but all these people died here for no reason..."

"The bodies have turned into fertilizer," Aunt Flame said coldly. "As for where they all disappeared to, who knows? This is the countryside, not the city, there are no surveillance cameras or sensors. If the police investigate so many people missing, do you think the other side will say someone came to harm your old man? Even if they dare to say that, your old man is alone, and the police won't think your old man got rid of those people."

"But... but you killed so many people in one go..."

"These thugs, these scum of the earth, the more of them, the dirtier the world becomes. If they're killed, they're killed. What else is there to say?" After a pause, Aunt Flame continued indifferently, "Even if some of them may not deserve to die, do I need to question whether killing is justified?"


Chen Xiaolian and Bluesea were already standing in the center of the oval-shaped building, where there was a huge elevator that descended all the way down.

On a metal platform protruding about ten meters in diameter, stood over a dozen people, obviously visitors who had come to tour during Zero City's open day.

Watching as the circular elevator gradually descended underground, Chen Xiaolian couldn't help but look around curiously and ask Bluesea, "These people? Are they all tourists?"


"And this place... is the Elders Council! But weren't you supposed to take me to see the control center of Zero City? Isn't that place open to visitors?"


Seeing Bluesea's indifferent expression, Chen Xiaolian was completely speechless.

What on earth does the control center of Zero City look like?!