"...I know him."
The reappearance of Osgilia was so abrupt that there was not the slightest summoning. Chen Xiaolian was caught off guard and startled, taking a moment before nodding his head in response.
"What... What does he look like?" Osgilia clenched her fists, staring intently at Chen Xiaolian.
"What does he look like? Two eyes, a nose, a mouth..." Chen Xiaolian scratched his head, unsure of how to describe Dovey's appearance: "Quite handsome, I guess."
He didn't know why the name Dovey provoked such a strong reaction from Osgilia.
Osgilia and the First Generation GM clearly knew each other. But she seemed completely uninterested in Chen, the First Generation GM's avatar.
And Dovey should not know Osgilia at all.
Although the first seed he had was given by Dovey, since Dovey had never collected all seven seeds, he certainly hadn't been to this third layer of the world.