Thunder Marrow Baptism

Behind the platform, the space grew turbulent. Countless streams of light whizzed past. like a meteor shooting star, creating a gorgeous scene.

Within each of the light streams, there were droplets of Thunder Marrows, which were the source of Mu Chen and the others' greedy eyes. In ancient times, it was said that many mythical beasts would use the Thunder Marrow droplets for cultivation, in order to make their bodies as strong as diamonds, or even indestructible.

However, the Thunder Marrow was extremely rare. In the Great Thousand World today, even if you could find it in some large auction house, its price was ridiculous and it would be bid on within seconds. Thus, it was very hard for ordinary people to get it.

At the moment, what appeared in front of Mu Chen and others was an overwhelming amount of Thunder Marrow droplets. They could not even resist the excitement in their hearts.