The Harvest

Countless light streams whizzed in the space warps. Within every stream of light, there were droplets of Thunder Marrow shimmering with silvery light, making a low rumble of thundering noise along the way.


Among the light streams in the sky, there were five colored lights flying quickly across the space. They seemed to carry strong attraction force which absorbed all the light streams around at once.

Bang! Bang!

As soon as the light stream got attracted and blasted into the light, it yielded a few painful screams of sorrow, as if a ghost were mourning. The screams were so mournful that it made the space more sullen and creepy.

However, Mu Chen was leading the way in front of these lights. He sat quietly on the thundercloud while absorbing the power of the light streams with his powerful attraction forcefield. Due to his overpowered attraction force, he was the one who absorbed the most light streams of all.