Deploying Once More

Ling Tian folded up the reports in his hands and said blandly, "Sit!"

As the crowd shuffled to their respective places, Ling Tian continued, "Feng Mo, Wang Han, the reason I’ve called you here today is to inform you guys that the training from now on, will not be paused. However, in terms of noise, try to keep it to the minimum and do not attract any attention by doing something overly big! This is to prevent any unwanted attention."

"Noted! Young Noble, is there anybody who wants to deal with us?" Both Feng Mo and Wang Han stood upright as they gave out sounds of assent. However, Wang Han asked a question out of puzzlement.

Ling Tian merely lifted up the teacup in front of him, lightly blowing on the surface of the tea, not bothering to reply. He did not even glance at Wang Han, as though the latter had never spoken.