Testing The Yu Family

 Ling Tian and Ling Chen were on horseback, rushing back to the Ling Residence.

"Chen’er, how was it just now?" Seeing Ling Chen’s flushed cheeks, full of joy, Ling Tian could not resist laughing.

Ling Chen pouted in response, "Those few jerks are becoming more and more sly, it took me a lot more trouble to beat them up this time."

"Hahaha, how easy did you expect it to be?" As Ling Tian thought of how the five of them lying on the ground in miserable conditions when he and Ling Chen left, he could not help but laugh out loud. Even though those fellows were mostly pretending, it was no lie that they did suffered under the hands of Ling Chen! Ling Tian had merely given them a few tips before he left the courtyard with Ling Chen.

Ling Chen shook her waist, rolling her eyes flirtatiously at him. Then, she giggled and urged her horse forward, rushing in front.