Water of Heavenly Wind

With no sound and warning whatsoever, the sound of an item wheezing through the air came from afar. The trajectory of the item was extremely ingenious and speed of it akin to light! Just as the white robed girl reached the apex of her jump, the item positioned itself under her feet, allowing the girl to daintily step on it, relying on it to exert force! In mid air, her robes fluttered with the wind, akin to a celestial maiden riding the winds. As for the object that she stepped on, it shattered into two with a ‘kacha’ sound, producing a whistling sound as it shot towards the two black robed men!

Both men simultaneously struck out with their palms, knocking the two objects onto the ground. They turned out to be only tiles!

Both the black robed men were experts with great status, how could they endure being toyed with? Both activated their movement techniques with a whistle, chasing after the white robed girl like a bolt of lightning.