This Daddy Will Not Accept That

"Jun ZiTang, Wu AiLing, Deng QuaiYan! Three despicable b*st*rds! This daddy here will f**k your grandmothers!" Ling Xiao was angered to the point he almost spat out blood! He could feel his heart throbbing from the anger and disappointment he felt.

These three people were the generals of those three armies. At the very start, the three of them were also the ones who jumped out to persuade the rest to give chase. Who would have thought that the three of them would flee the battlefield during the most critical and dangerous period!

With this sudden change, the army began to break out into chaos again. After all, the veteran soldiers were still humans. Many of them revealed frantic expressions as they looked around anxiously. It was as though they were looking for a path to escape.

Right at this moment, a high-pitched horn could be heard from the enemy's formation and the enemies suddenly stopped their advancement.