Scheme Within a Scheme

Wave after wave of cheers came from the Sky Bearing army, and they were actually showing an unshakable fighting spirit and resolve! This sort of response wasn't expected by their enemies, and they all turned to look at each other.

"Ling Xiao indeed lives up to his name as the 'Sky Bearing God General'. Even under such circumstances, he's still able to rouse the will of his soldiers! Respect, much respect! In this area, even I can't compare!" A glint of admiration rose in the eyes of the youth, as he leisurely spoke. His voice was clear and bright, bringing about a certain magnetism, causing all to hear it to subconsciously relax.

"Haha, brilliant as he is, he still fell into our trap in the end! Today, Ling Xiao has no path to advance, and no reinforcements from behind, thus even if given wings, he would find it impossible to fly! He is akin to a cornered beast now; how could he fight back? Brother Shui is indeed a divine strategist!" Wei ChengPing flattered.