Thunder in the Clear Skies

"Reporting to aunt, BingYan has had an incurable illness since I was young, and death could befall me at any moment. I may die tomorrow, or I may die next year. I don't know when my death will come. While outsiders think that my status is one of honor, my status will only add on to Tian'ge's frustrations! BingYan is extremely useless and can't aid Tian'ge in either the martial or literary arts. The only reliable thing is the fact that my body is still pure and untainted!"

"BingYan originally intended to spend this life of mine alone. After I complete my role in the family, I could rest in peace and enter the Yellow Springs without regrets. However, I never expected that the heavens would take pity on me and let me meet Tian'ge." A tear fell from the corner of her eyes.