Martial Arts Realm

Ling Chen felt as though there was a sword stabbing right through her heart, and her eyes were already clouded by tears with her voice trembling, "Yu Family's plans? What plans?" She knew that all the plans of the Yu Family would only come to fruition if Ling Tian left the Ling Residence or even the world… Thinking about that, how could Ling Chen not be devastated? How would she be able to think clearly?

Ling Tian let out a sigh, pulled her into his embrace, and patted her on the back. "Silly lass, we can no longer avoid the matter and have to face it boldly! Since we cannot avoid the enemy, we have to use all we have to exterminate him! Life and death isn't anything big, so why should we be so bothered about it? Don't forget that when you first met your young noble, we were still kids and both the Yang and Imperial Families were far stronger than us at that time. However, what has happened now?"