Martial Order Medallion Order

How does he know so much despite his young age? Could it be that… An incredulous thought surfaced in Ye QingChen's head, Could it be that he has also entered the Martial Way realm?

Seeing Ye QingChen's look of disbelief, Ling Tian immediately understood what Ye QingChen must be thinking about. He couldn't help but chuckle, "With this little brother's present accomplishment, I am still half a step behind older brother Ye and would naturally be far away from the Martial Way realm. This little brother is only capable of theorizing. However, since older brother is here, can you enlighten me about the Martial Order Medallion owner? Can you help this little brother to understand the greatest opponent in my life? I think the Martial Order Medallion owner wouldn't mind if older brother revealed some of his secrets!"