Registering for the Competition (2)

The leading youth clearly discovered Yun Luofeng as well. Viciousness flashed through his eyes, and he extended his leg in front of Yun Luofeng, hoping to trip the girl.

Yun Luofeng appeared to have not seen anything and lifted her leg high, stepping on the youth's ankle.

"AH!" A wail like the sound of a dying pig rang through the entire rest station, making the prodigies from the other kingdoms, who were hurrying toward the registration location, all look over.

The youth clutched his swollen ankle, his furious gaze intently glaring at Yun Luofeng as he uttered between clenched teeth, "Yun Luofeng, don't you know to watch where you are going? Didn't you see my leg?"

Yun Luofeng evilly glanced at him. "Apologies, I didn't see you extend your leg in front of me."

Hearing this, everyone understood what had happened.