Registering for the Three Categories (1)

After hearing the words 'the Tianyun Kingdom', the old man was clearly startled, but he did not hesitate to write down Yun Luofeng's name.

Then, a benevolent smile appeared on his geriatric face and he said, "Alright, you can leave."

There was no one else waiting to register behind Yun Luofeng, so the elderly man put away the paper after the last stroke.


"Tch, Yun Luofeng really registered for beast taming."

"Haha, in truth, I quite admire her, being able to sign up so quickly. Do you think she casually signed up for a category because she didn't want to wait in line?"

"Oh, look quickly! Yun Luofeng is heading for the fighting category."

The person's shocked voice was just heard, and Yun Luofeng already reached the other registration point and was silently waiting in the back of the line. Everyone's brain exploded as they looked at the girl in white with eyes full of shock.

"She... she wants to sign up for two categories?"