Registering for the Three Categories (2)

Qiu Feihua coldly glanced at Yun Luofeng and snorted. "If you only registered for the fighting category, perhaps the Tianyun Kingdom would finally stop coming in the last place. Unfortunately, you are too stupid and went to sign up for beast taming as well! Don't you know that if you choose multiple categories in the tournament, your ranking is based on the worst scored category?"

This was why many prodigies did not dare to sign up for two categories.

If they did not do well due to lack of energy, wouldn't they harm their own kingdom?

A moment later, the other people from the Tianyun Kingdom all registered. Yun Luofeng had them stay and wait for them while she led Zhong Ling'er to the medicine registration point.

Seeing her action, the initially silent crowd had another ardent reaction.

"My goodness, is this woman planning to register for the last medicine category even though she had already registered for two categories?"