The Green Smoke Gives Warning

On the journey to the Garden of Zhou, Zhuang Huanyu had stayed in his carriage, seldom showing his face. Perhaps, he had been purposely avoiding Chen Changsheng. Chen Changsheng cared little for what Zhuang Huanyu did, to the extent that he did not even know that Zhuang Huanyu had left the Mausoleum of Books, came to Hanqiu City, and entered the Garden of Zhou. However, Chen Changsheng knew very well why Zhuang Huanyu had chosen to appear, and why he had come to him.

He was the Principal of the Orthodox Academy. Whether it was because of the position of the Li Palace or the words of the archbishop said before they entered the garden, all the cultivators of the northern sects looked to him for leadership. Of course, in handling matters, he had to be fair. The problem was, at this very moment, what would be considered fair?

He took a step forward, only to be blocked by Zhexiu.

A hint of scorn appeared in Zhuang Huanyu's eyes.