Way of Choices

Way of Choices

Eastern1,184 Chapters2.9M Views
Author: Mao Ni
Table of Contents

To pick is to choose. This is a story about choices. Three thousand worlds full of gods and demons, with a daoist scroll in your hand, you are able to control the entire universe…

At the beginning of time, a mystical meteor came crashing down from outer space and scattered all over the world. A piece of it landed in the Eastern Continent, with mysterious totems carved upon it. Through the observation of these totems, humankind comprehended the Dao and established the Orthodoxy.

Several thousand years later, the fourteen years old orphan Chen Changsheng left his master to cure his illness and change his fate. He brought a piece of marriage vow with him to the capital, thus began the journey of a rising hero.

134 Reviews
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I read it this, this book is already translated by different website. Qidian taking this novel and charging SS after 100 chapter is ridiculous. It is pretty good novel though.

6 years ago

This is an incredible story. The elements that form it are humble, and the archetypes that drive it forward are familiar. Yet as you read on, you watch the author take these ****** pieces, and give them a life and beauty rarely seen in any novel. The characters are interesting and layered. The world and society are well thought out, and well expressed - this isn't the tale of a shapeless protagonist slashing his way through every challenge. The MC is but part of a grander story, one significant piece among many, each striving and struggling to accomplish their own goals and motivations. There is a richness to both the character development and world building. Even as you recognize each familiar archetype, you come away *satisfied* by the fullness and depth the author fills in each element. Parts of the story are pure poetry, written with true artistry and a sublime sense of storytelling. This is one of those rare works that make you feel like you have stepped into another world, where the backdrop is more than just painted facades and the side characters are more than a handful of lines on a page. The author manages to capture that fleeting, powerful feeling - the impossible belief - that if you could somehow peek into each alleyway, sidestreet, side-story or side-character.... you would find a fully realized life, moving and acting on its own. Way of Choices captures the essence of what makes a choice interesting. Namely, that we all want things, and sometimes getting those things means giving up something else. Every character in the story wants /something/, and all of them - not just the MC - have difficult or costly choices to make. As a reader, I hope you choose to give this story a chance. I believe you will find that beneath the familiar surface, waits something that is altogether special.

5 years ago

If you want a good level-up martial arts story, read this. If you want a political maneuverings story, read this. If you want a delightful romantic subtext story, read this. If you like interesting characters who are not murderhobos, read this. This is a cultivation novel very different from the likes of Coiling Dragon and ISSTH and that lot. The pace is slow but steady, and will capture you over time.

5 years ago

I actually liked the novel at the beginning. The main character was very smart and determined. I was rooting for him even if the story was incredibly slow. The character development shown by the protagonist made it worth it. BUT I was angry at the choice of his partner. You don't understand what this MC has gone through again and again, his continuous suffering was just too much. You would pity him so hard. In short without spoiling much the female lead is a horrible person so is her family. Rotten characters with superior complex. She is living the princess, carefree life. Yet our poor MC is working like a peasant to live his dream and be with her. I never read a character be so unworthy of the MC like this female lead. I had to drop this novel.

5 years ago

The fact that Qidian has the audacity to make this novel premium even though this wasn't fully trasnlated by them just pisses me the **** off. I would understand premium if and when it is a Qidian original, but this novel has already been translated by other sites and being premium at 100 chapters is just disgusting.

5 years ago


5 years ago

Just one word.. This is awesome. Characters are very well designed .Plot is good.you won't feel bored reading this one.MC actually thinks before acting and there are no bull**** fillers .to be honest it is a good change of pace .

5 years ago

Also known as "Ze Tian Ji", this is one of the best novels I have read. This is a pretty old novel and used to be translated elsewhere. It is about a boy who is fated to die and comes to the capital to find means to avoid his death. Subsequently, he gets embroiled in the matters of his fiancee, has unexpected encounters, overturns public expectations and gets pulled into the politics of the different factions. The writing is dense and complex, and needs a good translator to unpack its full potential.

5 years ago

The first novel I ever read, very slow paced and the romance isn't anything heart-wrenching. However, the story level is the best I have ever seen with an intricate plot, great use of literary technique and life philosophy that I continue to apply to this day. If you like just reading mindlessly with strong characters, face slapping, megalomania and stomping on geniuses and getting girls then this isnt for you. This is for men of culture.

5 years ago

Really good novel from Mao Ni. The main characters are really likeable and the even the antagonists are likeable and understandable. However the story is a little slow paced at the start as it focuses more on world building and character development. The story becomes really amazing later on and the language used in the story is fantastic.

5 years ago

Exactly how I rated it. Story wise it is just a hodge podge. Just plain bad. Writing quality is pretty bad too. Mao Ni has written a 100 chapter story with a 900 chapter companion book. So many repetitions, flights of thoughts. Zero character development. Boy oh boy. A major waster of my time. World building is done well in the sense that it keeps mentioning all this quintessential chinese wuxia stuff that are great but they are always in the background. Now. the translation is the worst. If you want something far better quality wise, just watch Handsome Siblings on Netflix.

3 years ago

i am very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very extremely exceedingly extraordinarily supremely extra super speechless.

3 years ago

It is a fairly good read. The beginning of it is pretty slow and as a result can be quite the turn off. However, there is enough substance at the beginning to make it not feel like a total slog. At a certain point the MC starts progressing very fast and as a result kind of makes up for the lackluster beginning. Although there are not parts that particularly fall flat, there are some that are worse than others. But unlike other novels, you don’t need to worry about slogging through any parts. The MC does have a fairly large amount of butt-pulls and plot armor but it doesn’t impede the quality of the story too much. The world building is pretty good but there are certain parts that aren’t done well. For example, it talks about multiple continents yet the entire world is explained rather poorly. One last critique is that the power scale is unbalanced. The final level of the world has too few people and the people at the border to that level have a wide disparity in skill. Overall I would still recommend this. Read until about the Grand Examination, if you don’t like it by then leave it.

4 years ago

Stolen translation, but more importantly, wasnt that good (゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)(゜∀。)

5 years ago

this has been my fav. novel in this genre for a long time. It has a lot of things i love about it but restrain myself and write about a few here. <zeorth: it doesnt dumb down the side characters to make mc look good.> first the theme. there are hundreds of wuxia novels coming out every year, but most just feel like a wish fulfilment or just not practical. like a random guy just walks to a king and badmouths him. now how in the world is that practical in this world? this novel has the most authentic feel to it. then there are the characters. good i love these characters. again most novels could replace their characters with 2d figures but we wont feel a thing. but not this one. the feel like real people that live in an old chinese feudal lord system world. the characters dont feel and act like petty teenagers throughout their lives. then the story itself. it uses a lot of cliches. not gonna lie. but it uses them is such a good manner that its a plus. it made me second guess, triple guess every single little thing even after it was confirmed which in other novels would have been obvious from the start. this is what made me keep reading the story. lastly the depth and philosophy. some people criticise it for it. they call it flowery language and nothing else. i'd say it re-sparked my love for poetry. for some 400-500 chapters straight it had 1-3 mentions/ references from famous ancient chinese poems and literature. sometimes it indeed went a bit too far in it but in other parts it dropped some poster worthy lines and different takes on matters that you usually dont often see(well again some criticise it for doing this saying it makes it needlessly complicated or that its not an original thought. well, I don't expect a single author to come up with all of that in the first place. whats presented to us is a bit from all over the Chinese history and philosophy and not being read in the Chinese classics it was still somewhat new to me and i guess for a lot of other readers). another thing to add, it sometimes just doesn't lay out the facts verbose and you actually have to understand what you are reading. like, after talking to a lot of people in the comments and forms i realised a lot of them didnt even realise when they(the mc and female lead) had ***. other novels hipe it up so much and here it wasn't even directly mentioned, just a casual 1-2 liner remark that didn't even say it directly. then there is the rant about the female lead being a *****. i mean comeon? is see? seriously? no. the family did go overboard(but by wuxia standards not overboard at all) but the female lead even made sacrifices for his sake when she practically didn't even know him! just to uphold his honour(btw for what reason? just cuz her grandfather in his senile years gifted her as a symbol of gratitude?) she went against her own sect and people who she considered her brothers. she was THE freaking princess of the most powerful nation goddammit. and she still did all those things cuz she felt she owed him that much( whether she did or not i know for certain i wouldn't be able to go through with it).

5 years ago