The Holy Maiden Returns to the Capital

The sound of wind, rain and studying, but today, one would only be able to hear the sound of studying at the Orthodox Academy. The just-fallen snowflakes had descended far too gently. It took a while before the students in the classrooms saw them, drawing a burst of elated gasps. The lecturers from the Bureau of Ecclesiastic Education said a few words of rebuke, thus suppressing the faint uproar. Yet in the next moment, the sound of howling wind came through the window, making it impossible to maintain silence and calm in the classrooms as the young students all rushed towards the windows.

(TN: “The sound of wind, rain, and studying” is actually a reference to a famous line about the Donglin Academy: “风声雨声读书声,声声入耳;家事国事天下事,事事关心”, which translates to “The sound of wind, the sound of rain, the sound of studying, sound after sound enters one’s ear. The matters of home, the matters of state, the matters of the world, matter after matter is one’s concern.”)