Senior White’s blessing

The next morning, Song Shuhang woke up feeling groggy—last night, he had several strange dreams in a row.

There was an elevator accident—he plunged right down to the ground from above the 10th floor while he was in an elevator.

Then, he became a cleaner and was cleaning the windows of a high-rise from the outside when the rope attached to his harness broke.

After that, he was enjoying the view from the edge of the cliff when someone from the back suddenly pushed him lightly.

Yet another time, as he was walking, he suddenly fell into a bottomless well—he kept falling and falling, never reaching the bottom.

In short, all kinds of accidents related to falling. The Song Shuhang in the dreams felt weak in the legs…

Upon waking up, he could still feel his heart palpitating.

Needless to say, these weird dreams must have appeared because of yesterday’s shenanigans with Senior White.