I have a surefire move

"Isn't that a bit too exaggerated?" The corners of Young Master Phoenix Slayer's mouth twitched.

This pillar of light zigzagged, and landed on Copper Trigram. Even a blind person would be able to tell that there was something wrong with this situation. Clearly, Loose Immortal Xiaoyao was manipulating the Wealth Distribution from behind the scenes.

Face or treasure?


Face was a very important thing, but when the time came to abandon it, you could just temporarily do so, and try regaining it in the future, couldn't you?

"Actually, since the very beginning, Senior Xiaoyao reminded us that he liked the number 6." Thrice Reckless Mad Saber handsomely stroked his long hair. "Wasn't he practically telling us to shout 666 for him? It's just a single line, so what are you all waiting for?"

Thrice Reckless was ready to frantically shout 666 for Senior Xiaoyao.