Showing You Something Good

Striped Dragon Two could sense that the string of 'reason' in Song Shuhang's mind was on the verge of snapping and ready to plunge into a state of hopelessness at any moment.

"Do you know about the world's first ghost spirit?" Striped Dragon Two said in a low, almost spooky tone, as if recounting a ghost story.

"I do," Song Shuhang nodded. "It's Fairy Cheng Lin."

"Then do you know the process of creating a ghost spirit?" Striped Dragon Two continued.

After a moment of thought, Song Shuhang replied, "I'd rather not know."

Striped Dragon Two was left speechless.

The conversation came to an abrupt end.

Striped Dragon Two's whiskers twitched while it itched to give Song Shuhang a good thrashing.

"Senior, hold on a moment. The array patterns at the bottom of my Sand Crystal World are about to be matched!" Song Shuhang hurriedly interjected and halted Striped Dragon Two's actions.