
Meeting Teacher and the Poor Guys Who Have No Status

Ning Que was startled as he looked at Tang Xiaotang who stood in the thicket. He sighed and asked, "Are you a ghost? Why do you follow me wherever I go? It's useless no matter how fast I run."

Tang Xiaotang had not even had time to react to his mean tone when the snow-white puppy rushed out from behind her and growled at Ning Que, displaying his sharp teeth. However, it still remembered how it had been tortured by Ning Que on the mountain path in the Wilderness, and only dared to growl at him from beside its owner. It did not dare to go near Ning Que at all.

"You run really fast. I almost thought that you were one of us from the Enlightenment Doctrine." Tang Xiaotang said, "But you will never be as fast as me."

Ning Que said helplessly, "My dear miss, why are you following me around?"

Tang Xiaotang said, "My brother told me to enter the Academy and become a student of the Headmaster."